Chapter 14

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They arrived at the hotel and payed the driver. They went to the reception and checked in. "I have a room in the name Ricky Bowen" he told the receptionist. "Okay just a second, you have room 370 and breakfast is included, enjoy your stay" he said handing Ricky the keycard to the room. He walked over to Nini and they then went to their room before going out to explore the city. They took the elevator, so they didn't have to carry their suitcases up the stairs. "Do you want the honor?" He asked Nini as he handed her the key. Nini opened the door and walked inside. The room looked pretty, but at the same time as hotel rooms so often do, it had light colors so the room felt bigger than it actually was. The bathroom had the perfect size for the necessary things, so there was a wash, a toilet and a shower. In the middle of the room there was a queen sized bed for them to share. They were so used to sharing a bed, that it didn't make sense to them, to pay even more for separate beds. Their parents were okay with it as well, because they knew that they were just best friends and nothing would happen. But if something were to happen and they actually were dating, the parents trusted there kids enough to know that they were mature enough to remember to be safe. So they let them share a bed for the whole trip. At the end of the bed was a table, a chair and a tv. Outside there was a beautiful balcony where they could look at the city.

They decided to put their clothes in the closet, so they started to unpack. They both put their suitcases on their side of the bed. Nini started with her shirts, dresses and pants, while Ricky started with his underwear and then the rest of his clothing. After a while they found something they don't remember packing, when they realized what had happened. "You can't be serious!" They said at the same time. "What's wrong?" They asked again at the same time making them laugh for a while before Ricky said. "You first Neens". "Look what Kourt hid in my bag" she said as she showed him the box of condoms. This made him laugh, "looks like my dad had the same idea" he said holding his box of condoms up as well. "Seriously what is up with our friends and parents?" She said laughing. "I don't know, they just don't understand, that we are just best friends" he said to hide his crush, without knowing that he broke her heart a little by saying so.

After they finished unpacking it was 1 pm so they decided it was time for some lunch, so they walked to a cafe and got some lunch. After that they went to West End to buy the tickets for Wicked. Surprisingly enough there was two pretty good tickets available for the show tonight, so they bought those and went out to see some of the city before they went back in the evening. Ricky let Nini decide where they would have their first "afternoon tea" because you can't visit London without going for afternoon tea. She chose The Theatre Cafe, and the camera was used a lot in those hours till the show started. They went to Big Ben and took a lot of pictures. People were so sweet and asked if they needed help to get both of them in the picture, because they were "such a lovely couple" as they were told so many times before. They had given up on correcting the strangers, because they wouldn't see them ever again after that.

When dinner time came around they didn't really have that much time before they had to go to the theatre, so they ended up at a fast food restaurant. They ate fast as Nini was so excited for the show, and that made Ricky smile, when she didn't look at him. They arrived at the theatre shortly after and they still had about an hour till show start. So they went to the merchandise stand where they ended up buying 3 playbills. "We have to get a playbill for Carlos, if we don't and he realize that we went to watch Wicked, then he is going mad." Nini told Ricky as she bought the 3 playbills, one for each of them and one for Carlos. She kept looking at the stand, she spotted a small logo pin. "Ricky I have to buy this, I can put it on my school bag!" Nini said as she bought that as well.
The bell rang signaling that the show was about to start, so they walked to their seats. Nini almost jumped in excitement when they turned down the lights.
The show began.

I just realized that every time I meant to write bought throughout the story I have written brought, without realizing. I'm to lazy to go back and change it, so if it says brought in a sentence where it doesn't make sense, then it is because it was supposed to be bought. (I will look out for this mistake from now on, but I can't promise I wouldn't make it again)

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