Chapter 4

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"Wait... WHAT?!" Ricky said in shock. "I dared you to kiss Nini" Red said. "No way! I'm not kissing Nini!" Ricky said to Red before turning to Nini "no offence" "non taken" she answered before he continued on. "I can't kiss her because it can ruin our friendship!" Ricky told Red. "But Ricky a dare is a dare, you can't back out now!" "Why does MY dare have to involve her? That isn't fair!" Ricky said with an angry tone. "Ricky it's fine, we can kiss for the dare, it doesn't have to mean anything!" Nini said while she took his hand to calm him down. "You're sure?" Ricky said shocked. "Yeah, as Red said a dare is a dare" she said. "Okay" he said nervously. Slowly they came closer to each other, and their lips met. It had been both of them's first kiss. When they pulled away they both blushed and looked away from each other. "Okay Gina truth or dare" Ricky said as soon as possible, so he didn't have to talk about the kiss. The kiss that felt amazing, and it gave them both butterflies and fireworks. Even to this day they haven't talked about how they felt about the kiss, because they were scared that it would ruin their friendship forever. "I choose dare" Gina said pulling both of them out of their thoughts. "Okay... ehm... I dare you to dance with no music for 3 minutes" "okay" she answered like it was nothing. "Nini truth or dare!" "Truth" she answered shyly. "I know you play the ukulele, but have you ever written a song of your own on it?" Gina asked. "Yeah I have, one little song" she answered quietly. "OH I remember that song!" Ricky happily exclaimed, "it was that silly little song about clouds! You wrote it the day I gave you your ukulele!" "RICKY!" "What? It was so adorable! You looked so cute! You still does" He said, whispering the last part, without thinking and as soon as he realised what he said his face turned bright red. Nini blushed as well at the complement from her best friend.

It was getting late, but it wasn't dark out yet, and Nini and Ricky were heading over to Nini's house for their weekly sleepover. "I want to learn how to skate" Nini told him on the way home. "Neens that is not happening! You will get hurt!" He said. "But you can, why can't I then?" "I don't want you to get hurt!" "What if I'm careful?" "Fine!" He ended up letting her. "Okay first you need a helmet, you can use mine, even though it is to big on you, it is better than nothing." He said placing his helmet on her small head, which made her giggle. "I'm holding onto you the whole way, understood?" "Understood" she answered as he held her left hand in his and held her waist with the other to stabilise her. "Put your feet here and here, the left foot in front and use your right foot to pull forward." He said to explain her how to skate. "But don't go to fast because I have to be able to keep up, so I can hold onto you the whole way as we agreed on!"

"Hi momma C, hi momma D" they both yelled as they ran up the stairs to Nini's room, which made her mothers laugh. They had known Ricky since they met back in kindergarten, and he was almost like their son, even though they knew that the young friends liked each other long before they realised it themselves.
Up in Nini's room they were laying on her bed cuddling watching Frozen, the brand new Disney movie that now had become Nini's favourite, she got it on dvd not so long before their sleepover. Ricky kept saying that he didn't like it, and that he didn't want to watch it because it was 'to girly' for his liking, which Ricky didn't know anything about, as he hadn't watched the movie yet. So Nini convinced him to watch it with her, because of Olaf, aka he wanted to make Nini happy, but he didn't want to confess that to anyone! That was his own little secret for him to keep.
Ricky ended up actually enjoying the movie, especially the songs, but that was mostly because he got to hear Nini's beautiful singing voice singing along to the songs, while she was cuddling with him.

A/n I know absolutely nothing about skating, I had to use google to find this information... I tried skating once, but ended up in the hospital lol
That was the end of that career!
Btw for the movie choice I did some math and figured out what year they would have been in 5th grade lol that was in 2013-2014 so I decided on Frozen.

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