Chapter 1

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Nini and Ricky is laying in the grass in Nini's backyard, looking up at the sky, as the best friends so often do. Ricky is laying with his arms behind his head, with Nini's head on his stomach. They are enjoying the silence and each other's company while doing nothing at all. "Ricky?" Nini asks out of no where while staring at the sky. "Yeah sweetie?" he answers while raising his head to look at her. "Do you have any plans for the summer break?", "nope, not really, but i really want to visit Europe some time! How cool would it be if we backpacked through Europe together sometime?".  While listening to the birds singing she answers "that sounds so cool! but I doubt that our parents will let us..." she adds sadly while sitting up and looking at Ricky. "Well, sweetie, there is no harm asking" Ricky says while smirking. This makes Nini giggle, she knows that her parents never would let her go to Europe ALONE with Ricky. Even though they just are best friends and have been since they meet in kindergarden. Nini have had this tiny tiny crush on Ricky for a while now, but she has kept it a secret and she haven't told anyone about it besides Kourtney.

She met Ricky on the first day of kindergarten, when he still was "Richard Bowen", a name that she found really weird for a person under the age of 50!, since that day his name was changed to Ricky because "that sounds more cool" as the little Nina said. Little Richard got so embarrassed when he kept trying to say her name, but all that came out of his mouth was "Nini", no matter how hard he tried he couldn't pronounce her name. Nini didn't want him to feel bad, so she ended up telling everyone that her name from now on was Nini, even her parents were told to call her Nini, just as Richard asked his parents to be called Ricky instead of Richard. And from that point on they were best friends, just like the iconic quote from High school musical where Gabriella says "Do you remember in kindergarten how you'd meet a kid and know nothing about them, then 10 seconds later you're playing like you're best friends, because you didn't have to be anything but yourself?" to Troy.

They were always playing with each other, and when they weren't they kept asking their parents when they could have their next play date with each other. 

One day at the playground when Nini fell off the swing at hurt her knee, Ricky dropped everything he was doing to come to her rescue, her own little knight in shining armor. "Where does it hurt, Nini?" Ricky asked slightly panicking since his best friend was hurt, and he didn't know what to do. "M... my.... my... kn...knee!" she answered crying. Ricky then did what his mother does when he gets hurt. He blew on her knee before kissing it softly. "Does it help?" he asked silently. "Yes thank you Ricky". Together hand in hand they walked over to her mothers when school was over. "OH MY! Nini what happened to you knee?!" Momma D asked with a slight panic in her voice. "I fell off the swing doing recess, but Ricky came and kissed the pain away" she answers happy as if it was nothing serious. "Well if you are sure that you are okay, then lets get in the car so you can continue on playing when we get home" Momma D said.

"NINI, NINI, NINI!" Ricky came running over to Nini in the school yard a day after school, when they were in second grade. "What Ricky? Breath okay?" She said giggling "what is so important that you have to run all the way to tell me?". "I have a surprise for you" he answered with a big smile "really? Why?" She said with confusion in her voice. "That isn't important come on!" He took her hand, while grabbing his skateboard with the other, and ran home. "Ricky! Stop! You are going to fast I can't keep up!" She said completely out of breath. "Okay, we can walk the rest of the way... IF I can hold my hands over your eyes so I can make sure that you aren't peeking!" "FINE!" She said "but don't let me bump into stuff!" "Like I would ever do that" he answered, "Ricky..." she said glaring at him "fine... at least I wouldn't do it on purpose!" This made her giggle. "Well then what are you waiting for? Come on let's go!" She said happily while waiting for him to cover her eyes. Together they walked to his house, him leading the way as she couldn't see anything. "Okay, we are almost there! I'm taking my hands away now, but keep your eyes closed till I say so, okay?" "Okay!" She said smiling.
"Are you ready?" She nodded "okay, 3, 2, 1 You can open your eyes now!"
And with these words said, Nini opened her eyes "WOOOOOOW!"

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