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It was the morning of august 2nd, a day that was very special to the couple. First of all because it is their 15th anniversary of the day they started dating. Second of all because it was their 11th anniversary of their engagement. Third of all because it was their 10th wedding anniversary. And last but not least it was their daughter's 9th birthday. Their daughter Piper Bowen was born a month early on the couple's first wedding anniversary. Nini went into labor while she was getting ready for their anniversary date, which shocked them both, as they still thought they had a month to go. But who would have thought that spending your first wedding anniversary in a hospital in the delivery room would be the best way to celebrate their marriage. The labor itself was pretty fast compared to the fact that it was her first baby. Piper was born after 6 hours of labor, which meant her birthday was added to the amount of important events that happened in their life on august 2nd.

They started dating when they were 17, Ricky proposed when they were 21, they got married when they were 22 and had their daughter when they were 23. They decided to wait a while before trying for baby Bowen #2, as they still were pretty young, and wanted to be even more stable economically before they had #2. They started trying recently as they were 32 years old now, and they felt it was a good time, especially so the gab between the baby and Piper wouldn't be 'too big' even though there is not such a thing when it comes to siblings. Piper was almost 9 years old when they started trying for #2 and she had been asking for a sibling, she knew that their dog Grace was like a sibling to her, but a little brother or sister would be amazing.

Something only Nini knew at this point, was that she was actually pregnant with baby Bowen #2. She found out a couple days ago and she couldn't be more excited. She decided that she would tell her husband and daughter the exciting news on their 'special day' as they call it. Even though she knew there was a risk since she still was in the beginning of her pregnancy, but Piper have been asking about a sibling for so long, so she wanted to share the journey with her.

"Good morning darling" Ricky said with a smile as he woke up with his wife in his arms. "Happy anniversary!" He continued before giving her a kiss, which soon turned into a make out session, they didn't have to worry about Piper walking in as it was pretty early and because she was a really heavy sleeper. It didn't turn into more than that, as Nini pulled away with a smile. "I have something for you, I will be back in a second" she said as she got up and went to the bathroom. She opened her shelf that had her tampons and other hygiene products in, and took out the small gifts she wrapped for him, in which the positive pregnancy test was laying. She knew she could hide it that was, as she knew that Ricky wouldn't go through that shelf, unless she asked him to. "Here you go" she said as she handed him the gift with a big smile on his face. "What is this?" He asked. "Just open it!" She said excitedly as he started opening up the gift. "Are you serious?" He asked as tears started running down his cheeks, when he saw the two lines on the stick. She was so happy that she just nodded. As soon as she started nodding he pulled her into his arms. "I love you, I love you, I love you" he said as he started covering her in kisses, which made her giggle "I love you too" she said before she captured his lips with hers.

"So when will we tell Piper?" Ricky asked. "I was thinking about doing it today, I know there still is a risk as I'm still pretty early in my pregnancy, but she have been asking for a sibling for so long, so why not tell her that she is going to be a big sister? I even got her a shirt that says 'big sister' so we can tell her that way, as I don't think she would understand what's going on if I just showed her the positive pregnancy test" she answered. "I love that idea, should we go wake up the birthday kid or do you just want to cuddle a little?" Ricky said. "Let's cuddle a little bit and then go wake her up" she said as she cuddled into his arms.

20 minutes later they woke up Piper by singing happy birthday to her. "Good morning princess" Nini said. "Did you sleep well?" Ricky asked. "Yeah I did, I'm so excited for today!" Piper said with a big smile which made her parents laugh. "We have one special gift you can open now, but you have to wait till later to open your other presents okay?" Ricky said as Pipers eyes lit up. "Really?" She asked. "Yes really, here you go" Nini said as she gave her the gift, she couldn't wait to see her reaction. "Thank you! It's a really pretty white shirt" she said as she opened the box, not realizing that it had text on it. "Baby what does it say?" Ricky asked. Piper looked at the shirt again as her face lit up even more. "Am I really going to be a big sister?" She said happily as she started crying and hugged her parents. "Are you excited?" Nini asked her daughter. "I'm so excited! I can't wait! How long do I have to wait to meet my baby sibling?" She asked. "You still have to wait around 9 months baby, I just found out that I'm having a baby a couple days ago, but I really wanted to share the whole journey with you" Nini said. "Thank you mommy!" She said as she leaned down to kiss her mother's belly that wasn't even showing a tiny bit yet, which made her smile, and cry as she didn't expect her daughter to get this happy. "Hi baby, I just found out that you exist, but I can't wait to meet you! I love you, and mommy and daddy so much" she said as she placed another kiss on her belly. Nini's pregnancy hormones was already kicking in so she was crying. "Mommy are you okay?" She asked a little shocked when she saw her mom was crying. "Yeah baby I'm fine! I'm just so happy right now! This is happy tears" Nini said as she kissed the top of Piper's head.

They had told Piper not to tell anyone about the baby yet, that it was their little secret, and Piper did a good job, and she managed not to tell anyone at her birthday party. The party was over and they were just sitting on the couch watching a movie. As the movie was done Ricky got up to pick up the takeout they had ordered, another tradition of theirs.

"Mommy?" Nini heard the small voice of her daughter, as her husband had left the house. "Yeah sweetie?" She said. "Can you tell me the story about you and daddy? And can I look in the photo album while you tell the story?" She asked. "Of course, why don't you go pick up the photo album and then get comfortable on the couch? I will be back in a moment" she said as her daughter ran to the shelf to pick up the photo album.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked her daughter. "Yes" Piper answered. "Okay, as you know this story starts all the way back when I met you dad in kindergarten and he couldn't pronounce my name..." Nini started telling her daughter about the story of her life.

I just wanted to thank you so much for reading my book, I never thought so many people would read it, and I didn't think it actually would end up being almost 50 chapters long, but it has been a journey and I loved it, who knows maybe I will write another book at some point, only time will tell. (I might go back to proofread the book, because there is probably a lot of mistakes lol, but again time will tell maybe I won't).
And while I'm at it I wanted to tell you about my one shot called "The pact" which is a Rini story as well. It would be appreciated if you would go check it out! This is what the cover looks like:

And my final words for this book will be: I can't wait for season two! I love you guys!❤️

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And my final words for this book will be: I can't wait for season two! I love you guys!❤️

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