Chapter 3

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One day after school in 5th grade, they were going together to Big Red's house for his birthday party. As usual they had promised to help him set up everything, before the guest came. They were walking hand in hand without thinking it was a big deal, Red on the other hand made a plan.

When they arrived at the house, they helped carry all the stuff down to the basement, and then they started decorating. "Ricky?" Nini asked "yeah?" "Can you help me hang this? I can't reach" "sure! Are you ready? I'm going to lift you so you can reach, because I can't reach either!" He said laughing. "Sure, I'm ready". Together they hang up the decorations and everything was perfect when the guests arrived.

"Hi Kourt" Nini said, while Ricky was talking with the birthday boy. "So any new with your lover boy?" Kourtney said a little to loudly for Nini's liking "shhh! Don't talk so loud! And he isn't my lover boy, we are just best friends and I DON'T like him like that, and you know that" she defended herself. "Yeah, yeah, what ever you say, but I don't believe you" "KOURT!" Nini exclaimed. Which resulted in Ricky hearing them. "I will be back in a sec, I just need to make sure she is okay" he said to Big Red. "Is everything okay sweetie?" He asked Nini while wrapping her in a side hug and placed a kiss on her hair. "Yeah! Everything is fine! Why wouldn't it?" She said kinda embarrassed that, Ricky now had joined THAT conversation. "Well you were kinda shouting at Kourt, so I wanted to make sure you wasn't killing each other, but since it was nothing, I will be with Red, if you need me" he said while pulling her into a real hug. "See you later sweetie, and well you too Kourt!" He said before he walked back to Red.
"So what do you call what just happened, if it wasn't lover boy coming over to protect you from your best friend?" Kourt asked laughing. "Seriously stop calling him lover boy! We are just best friends! He is almost like the brother I never had! I could NEVER like him as more!" She answered. "I'm just saying that 'normal' best friends doesn't go around giving each other kisses, or call each other 'sweetie' and they most definitely doesn't cuddle!" Kourt said jokingly defending herself while she threw her hands up.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Someone exclaimed when all the guests had arrived. They all agreed to play, so they sat in a circle on the floor. Kourt was on Nini's left, and Ricky on her right, beside him was Red, then Carlos, then Seb, then EJ, besides Ej was Ashlyn, and lastly between Ashlyn and Kourtney was Gina. (a/n I'm well aware that they wasn't friends back then, but I don't care 😂 and I didn't want to add random names that later would have to play a part of the story, so in this story the theatre kids all knew each other in 5th grade.)

"Who wants to go first?" Red asked. "Well I will start!" The oldest of them said. "Okay truth or dare EJ" Red said. "Is that even a question? Dare of course!" EJ answered. "I dare you to go outside and yell 'merry Christmas' on top of your lungs!" Red dared him. "But Christmas was 3 months ago! But fine!" EJ accepted his weird dare and did it. It was hilarious.
"Okay Ashlyn truth or dare?" EJ asked his cousin. "Truth" "Okay, what is your dream job?" "I want to become a singer-songwriter" she answered. "Carlos, truth or dare?" "Dare" "I dare you to call a random number and explain the rules of your favourite board game without giving them an explanation" "okay" he said, while he found his phone and typed a random number "hey, so in high school musical the choosical, you have two teams: east high wildcats and west high knights..." a loud beep came from his phone "hello are you there?" There wasn't a sound to be heard, so he looked at his phone and the random number hang up on him "well the person hang up" he said before asking the next person.
They continued on for many rounds, till it was Ricky's turn to be asked. "Ricky truth or dare" Red said. "I'm choosing dare, what else would I choose?" That made the whole room filled with laughter.

"I dare you to kiss Nini!"

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