Chapter 33

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They were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms when they suddenly was woken up by Ricky's phone. "Ugh who calls in the middle of the night" he said tiredly. Nini was still half asleep in his arms, so he reached out for his phone with his free hand. "What?" He said shocked as he saw who was calling. "Who is it babe?" Nini asked a bit worried after seeing his reaction. "It's my mom! Why is she calling me now? I haven't talked with her for a couple months" he said confused. "Hello?" He answered with a yawn. "Hi sweetie! Did I wake you up from a nap? I'm so sorry, I should have called you beforehand so you knew I was coming" Lynne said. "What do you mean?" He said confused. "I just landed in Salt Lake, I wanted to surprise you by visiting you, is there any possibility that you could come pick me up at the airport?" She asked. "YOU WHAT? It is literally in the middle of the night, and I'm not even home" he said completely shocked, why would his mother visit him without telling him? "Ricky sweetie are you okay? It is 5:27 pm it isn't in the middle of the night, and what do you mean with you not being home?" She asked. "Well it is 1:27 am here in Paris, so it is in the middle of the night" he said. "What are you doing in Paris?" She asked confused, how didn't she know that HER SON was in Europe. "I'm traveling through Europe with Nini, I thought I already told you that, but I must have forgotten" he said as Nini sat up with him and hugged him as he talked, she knew how hard it is on him when his mother called or shows up unannounced. "Yeah you forgot to tell me, and I can't believe that your dad didn't talk this through with me, you are my son as much as you are his, and those decisions should be one we made together not behind each other's backs!" She said mad, mostly because she was unaware that her son was on the other side of the world, but also because she took a plane to go see her son, and he isn't even home. "Mom stop! I haven't talked with you for months! You don't answer when I call you, and you don't answer my texts either. Can we please talk later, I can't deal with this right now, I literally just woke up, my mind isn't clear enough to talk, and I will probably end up saying something I will regret, how about I call you at noon tomorrow, your time, when I'm actually awake and aware of my surroundings!" He almost shouted at his phone as he started to shake. "Okay then, I will talk to you tomorrow then, sleep well, goodbye" she said as she hang up. He put his phone back on the bedside table and hugged Nini even tighter. He was still shaking and really close to crying. "It's okay sweetie I'm here" she said as she kissed his cheek which made him break down crying. "I got you" she said. She had been in similar situations back home when they were just best friends, so she knew how to handle the situation. They just sat in each other's arms for about 30 minutes in silence before Ricky said something. "I can't believe her! She gets mad at me for not telling her about our trip, when I have tried to so many times! Why don't she understand that I need her to be available all the time, not just once every 3 months! Yeah I get that she divorced my dad, but that doesn't mean she has to leave her son as well. I have tried and tried and tried so many times to talk to her, but she never answers, and the one time she calls me, she gets mad at ME for not telling her about my life!" He said as Nini rubbed his back. She knew she didn't have to say anything, just being there for him was enough. So when she was sure he was calm again she just said "do you want to sleep or do you just want to cuddle?". "I'm not sure if I can sleep right now, but I would really like to cuddle" he answered as he pecked her lips and laid down, pulling her with him, which made her giggle. They shared a few more kisses before they fell asleep again.

Sorry for the long wait, but I'm pretty busy right now, since a lot of stuff is going on in my life, both schools wise and "privately" and by privately I mean the drama have gone far too long and it stresses me a bit. School wise is because I'm a senior in high school, so I graduate in 152 days (holy moly that is soon!). But yeah in Denmark we have to write a really big assignment called SRP (it is 15-20 pages...) in 2 weeks doing senior year, so I'm preparing for that, as well as doing online school and my other homework and assignments, so I don't have that much time to write even though I want to. I start writing my SRP on March 12th aka the day Josh releases his EP... so I probably won't be able to hype it up or listen to it before I turn in my assignment on March 25th.
But yeah thank you for reading my story and for getting me over 3.1k reads, it means so much to me that people actually read my stuff. As usual comments and votes will be appreciated. And I will see you again, when I have some time to write a new chapter.
(This isn't proofreaded...)

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