Chapter 18

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Meanwhile Nini was sitting in the bathroom waiting for Ricky, he got dressed pretty quickly and went to the grocery store they was at yesterday. Even though it wasn't anything big, he was honored that she actually trusted him enough to tell him stuff like that. He had helped he lots of times when she had cramps and felt terrible, so he knew what she needed to feel better. After looking around the store for a little while, he finally found the hygiene products. He wasn't really sure which were tampons, so he asked a random person who was standing there as well. "Excuse me, but can you help me? I have to buy some tampons for my best friend and I don't know which of these things are tampons." He said, and didn't add the fact that she was his crush as well, no matter how much he wanted to. "Sure, it is the blue box right there with the text Tampax on, what a good friend you are." She said with an obvious Norwegian dialect. "Thank you so much" he answered as he picked up two boxes, he didn't know how many she needed, but he hoped that this would be enough for both of her periods on the trip. So she didn't have to feel embarrassed and worry about asking again. He walked to the candy part of the store and picked up some chocolate, as he knew she was going to crave chocolate at some point. He also some painkillers that were supposed to help on period pain. He bought the things and went back to the hotel.

As he entered the hotel room he told her that he was back. "Neens I'm back, I will bring you the tampons in a second, I just need to find you some panties." He said as he went to the closet and found a pair of panties for her. "Here you go" he said as he gave her the stuff she needed. "Thank you so much, I don't know what I would do without you" she said as she got ready and washed the blood out of her bloody underwear. While she did that Ricky laid the other box of tampons on her side of the bed along with the chocolate and the painkillers.

A while later she walked out and saw that he had brought her chocolate and painkillers as well. She threw her arms around him. "Thank you so much Ricky" she said. "Neens it isn't a big deal, I would gladly help you again if you ran out of tampons or something else, don't hesitate to ask sweetie" he said and gave her a small kiss on the hair, and as normal as it is for them it still made Nini blush and hide her face in his shirt.

"Do you feel okay enough to do something today, or do you just want to stay in?" He asked her. "I think I'm good enough to do something later, when the painkillers kick in" she said as she took some painkillers. "Do you need me to bring breakfast up to the room? Or are you okay with eating downstairs?" He asked concerned. "It's okay, I think I will be better when I get some food in my system as well" she said as she got dressed.
She is one of those lucky girls who only have their period for 4 days and only are in pain the first day. Even though that day can be pretty terrible sometimes, luckily it wasn't that bad this time.

After a while she felt a lot better and they decided on going on a cute little boat ride down the fjord. They had talked about going kayaking down the fjord themselves but decided it was probably better with the boat ride for Nini's sake. It was absolutely beautiful, and the nature was so different from what they are used to back in Salt Lake. The nature back home was beautiful as well, but it couldn't compare to the Norwegian nature.

After the ride they decided to visit the city and did some shopping, both for things in general and for souvenirs and snacks. They went into a souvenir shop where Nini found a pin for her backpack and Ricky found a little troll figure. The city was so beautiful that they decided to go there again tomorrow, after visiting the open air museum. They still had some time before they had to go back to the hotel, so they decided to visit the royal palace.

At dinner they had a lovely traditional Norwegian dinner, made with local ingredients. On the way back home to the hotel, they went into the grocery store, to pick up some more candy to add to their candy pile, for their friends to try. As they arrived at their room Nini really craved some 'Ricky cuddles' as she calls them and chocolate. So they got ready for bed and cuddled with the tv playing some random Norwegian movie they didn't understand a word of, while eating chocolate. As they both were pretty tired they ended up falling asleep cuddling into each other's arms. They were happy that the tv had a function that turned it off automatically when you haven't touched the remote for a while.

Happy 2021!
Here is the first chapter of the year (yes I'm well aware that some of you still are in 2020 as I post this, but it is 2 am here, so I'm officially in 2021!)
Again I want to thank you for the reads, and I almost reached 1k reads in 2020 (on my time zone) as I had 991 reads the last 40 minutes of 2020. So maybe I reach 1k reads while some of your still are in 2020. But yeah I just wanted to say that I'm grateful for all of you that actually read my book. When I started it I thought that it would probably get 100 reads or something like that, in total when the story was completed (there is still a long way to go don't worry). And now I almost have a thousand reads within 24 days! So thank you so much.

Update, a few seconds after I posted this chapter I reached 1k (at 2:13 am) so thank you so much for that.

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