Chapter 2

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"It's a treehouse!? Since when have you got a tree house! We have been talking about this for so long! Ricky how did you convince your parents?" She turned to look at him with joy in her eyes and smile. "Well... we have been asking for so long that they decided that they would give it to us as a gift for spring, so we have a place in the backyard to hang out!" He answered smiling. "REALLY!" She yelled while turning around to give him the biggest and tightest hug ever. "Nini?..." "yeah?" "I can't breathe" "oh! Sorry" she let go while giggling. "It is fine, you are so cute when you giggle! Come on let's go take a look at it, shall we?" He said holding out his hand. This time she grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the treehouse. "I guess someone is excited to see the inside!" He said laughing while following her. "Can you help me up the ladder?" "Of course! I'm just behind you and I will catch you if you fall down, okay?" He answered "okay" she said while she started climbing up the small wooden ladder. She was almost there, when her foot missed the ladder, "woah!" she was close to lose her grip as well, if it wasn't for Ricky standing right behind her as promised "I got you sweetie, I got you safe!" He said while keeping himself balanced with one hand while he stabilised Nini with the other one.

When they reached the top (which actually wasn't that tall at all when they look back at it now, but back in second grade it was terrifying how tall it was, at least for Nini) Nini pulled Ricky into a tight hug "thank you so much! You literally just saved my life!" She said almost while shouting. "You are welcome" he answered laughing "but seriously sweetie it was nothing, you wouldn't even get hurt if I wasn't right behind you" "I disagree on that Ricky, it was so terrifying!" She said almost panicking. "But Nini, was anyone hurt?" "No?" "Are you okay?" "Physically yes, mentally no" she answered. "I don't even know what these words means!" This made Nini giggle "it means that I'm okay" that brought a smile to Ricky's face, "well, then let's go inside the treehouse, or stay out here if that is what you prefer". "Let's go inside then!" She said excitedly.

Inside the treehouse were two beanbags, one for each of them, a small lamp which ran on batteries so it didn't need electricity and an ukulele. "Since when do you have an ukulele?" She asked with confusion in her voice. "Well..." "well, what?!" "It isn't actually mine..." "what do you mean?" "Well... I kinda asked my parents if I could get one..." he said hesitant, "since when have you wanted to get an ukulele then? And why isn't it yours?" She asked even more confused this time. "That is because I got it for you..." he looked down at his feet while scratching the back of his neck. "WAIT WHAT?!" Once again her eyes and face lit up with joy. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said, wrapping him in another hug (which wasn't a problem for him at all, he enjoyed all the hugs he could get from Nini, all the other boys in their class would absolutely hate to hug a girl, because girls got cooties!). Nini then did something that surprised both of them, she kissed him on his cheek, something they hadn't done before. Normally they would kiss each other's pain away, but they never kissed on the cheek, forehead or lips before.

When the kids realised what just happened they quickly separated from the hug and just looked at each other while blushing. That was the moment where they started falling for each other, they just didn't realise it yet, and it has taken them quite a while to both realise and accept that they have feelings for their best friend. They are just to scared to tell the other, in case it ends up breaking their friendship. Since that day they have been kissing each other's cheeks and been cuddling just as friends, although their friends are quite confused about what is going on between them.

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