Chapter Fourteen

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"You love me..." your heart starts to beat quicker
Reid grabs your face and kisses you passionately.
"Y/n, please let me show you how much I love you..."
Slowly nodding Reid lays you down on the bed gently. Your towel falls off while he pulls down your shorts. The air get hotter as he strips down, Spencer smile's down at you while you lay there anxiously.

The fade marks on your skin got darker and darker as Reid went down your body. He fumbled with your breast as he worked his way back to your lips. Soon he went lower and lower down your body.
"Doctor please don't stop..." you breathed as you felt him suck gently then picking up the pace every time you squirmed. The gold condom wrapper appeared in his hand. With one single slow motion his manhood entered you. He went gentle as he made love to you all night long.

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Shit, Spencer we are gonna be late and everyone is probably already at the station" you say as you try to collect his clothes.
"Baby, come back to bed it's only 6am. We don't have to be at the station until 8am."  Reid mumbled as he digs himself deeper into the bed sheets.
As you brush your teeth there's a knock at your door, which makes you both jump. "Y/n , it's Emily do you want to go get coffee with me and JJ before we had to the station!"
Before tucking your brown and cream striped sweater into your brown skirt you grab your purse and shoes. " Yes Em, give me a second to get my shoes on..." you called.

"Spencer, I'm going down to get coffee with the girls. I'll see you at the station my love." you whispered to him and kissed his cheek. After last night you pray that there wouldn't be awkward between you, Spencer, or Hotch... Walking into the hotel breakfast bar, JJ's hand was wrapped around Emily's. The connection they had was unbreakable, it made you slightly insecure about your own love life. Until you felt two huge arms wrap around your waist.

"So, princess who did you do last night I could hear you from the room across the hall." Derek whispered with a smirk.

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