Chapter Ten

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"Hotch, what are you doing here?" you said uncomfortably as you pulled your bathrobe tighter to hide your naked skin underneath. " Y/n we need to talk... I need to say something." Hesitant you let him in, his dark hair was ruffled and he wore a simple black shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Your eyes admired his biceps as he walked into the kitchen, he pour a cup of coffee for himself and sat at the table.

His hands around the cup tightly, he took a sip then looked at you still standing and pulling your bathrobe closer than before. " Y/n I came to apologize for my behavior last week, it wasn't professional..." you shook your head while he continued " what I'm about to say is also going to be very unprofessional, but y/n I think your gorgeous." As he went to add something you choked on your coffee. It spilled everywhere you quickly grabbed a napkin and cleaned yourself up. As your back was facing the sink Hotch snaked his hands to your waist. Your breath hitched slightly, until something fell in your room. Hotch turned around, and looked at you quickly. Before even thinking you spit out " Hotch it's just my hamster, Tigo I let him run around in his little ball every morning."

Hotch let out an embarrassed sigh, scratching his head he downed his coffee and handed you the cup. He walked to the door and went to say something but got cut off again by a sound from your bedroom. He's waved as he walked out and closed the door, you quickly locked the door and ran to your room. Reid stood there with his coffee in his hand, his face held anger. Before you could ask what was wrong he grab your hand and dragged you into the shower. He stripped quickly and started to untie your bathrobe but before taking it off he asked...
" may I babygirl". You nod your head and in moments he's kissing your neck marking it passionately.

He curses under his breath as you pull his hair slightly. In moments after grabbing and taking out the rubber barrier he enters leaving you panting against the wall while water falls on you. *Bang bang bang* he exited you and kissed you sweetly. He grabs your shampoo then conditioner rubbing it slowly into your hair. He adds body wash and after you wash off he grabs your face gently and whispered " your my baby... ok?"

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