Chapter Sixteen

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Before another syllable came out of your mouth Hotch put his lips on yours. He pushed you against the bathroom sink. He pulled his lips from yours, you wimper as his lip left yours. "Y/n... who was in your room last night?" His eyes filled with lust as he questioned you. " No, sir there was no one..." you lied under your breath.
" Agent, I know when your lying." He whispered in your ear. " Y/n, please give me a chance. Dr.Reid can't do what a real man can." He licked his lips and left the bathroom with out another word.

After an hour, four suspects were brought in. All were young women but each interrogation lead to another dead in. " Agents, the Texas police force has invited us to dinner. Please make an effort and come out tonight, you are free to go." Hotch spoke while only starring at Reid and you. The ride to the hotel was normal it was you, JJ, Emily, and Derek. The car was filled with laughter and music compared to dull conversations that filled the other. " Hey, JJ do you and Emily want to get ready together for the dinner ?" You asked as you walked into the building. JJ nodded and ran up to Emily who also nodded in agreement.

That night, your hotel room was the party room. Dinner went smoothly since you sat in between Emily and Derek who made fun of you for keeping your lover boy a secret. Not long after everyone ended up in your room. Drinks,Drinks,and more drinks were mixed while everyone sat and talked. "Attention everyone, I say we play a game!" Emily shrieked. Everyone laughed and sat in a circle, waiting for Emily to announce the game. " We are gonna play spin the bottle..." Emily excitedly said, "Ok so JJ you spin first. Then the next person will..."

As JJ spun  the bottle it landed on Derek, then Rossi spin landed on Emily, then after a few more spins the bottle stopped on you the spinner was Hotch. He leaned forward and kissed your lips softly and moved his hand to your cheek. You kissed back or you would have faced the wrath of Emily for breaking the rules. When you pulled away you didn't look at the other until you spun the bottle. "Ooooo pretty boy first kiss of the night" Morgan hollered and patted his back.

Before you could lean in to Reid, you felt his lips hit yours. His tongue lightly entered your mouth and you could feel him growing harder when you kissed him back. He grabbed your hips and before he kisssd you again there was a loud bang. Rossi ran out behind the missing agent. The missing agent was Hotch, he's yelling echoed down the hall.
" He has got to be f*cking kidding, what does he have that I don't David. Y/n should be with me, not Reid!"

You turned white and went to the bathroom. Locking yourself in you turned on the shower and stayed in the hot water until you thought everyone had left. You got out quietly, only to see a sleeping Spencer laying  in your hotel bed. " y/n come here please..." he mumbled.

You obeyed even though you knew what was happening was your fault. " y/n, I'm gonna talk to Hotch when we get back home. I feel like we are both playing against the rules..."

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