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The next morning, you fell asleep on Spencer lap not being able to sleep the night before because of that crappy text threw you off. Your mind didn't shut off until your exhaustion caught up to you. As Spencer played with your hair, your phone vibrated. You didn't wake up from the noise. With hesitation Spencer looked down from his book and read the new text notification.

Unknown: Dr.Reid,SSA Hotchner , and your are very close huh? I wonder what those two would do if I made you mine...

Spencer scrolled through the other mysterious texts before grabbing his phone. He texted Hotch would was currently staring out the window. Reid quickly typed his message and told Hotch what he saw. When Aaron picked up his phone his jaw clenched and he motion for Spencer to meet him in the back of the plane.

" WTF are we gonna do...? She doesn't know we know!" Spencer whispered to Hotch as he refilled his cup of pure sugar coffee. " When we work this case one of us will be with her no matter what. I don't want her to be alone during the investigation. Is that clear?" Hotch muttered as he noticed Rossi and Morgan looking in their direction. " Yes sir..." was all Spencer could reply with.

After the plane landed, everyone filed into the round table room. You had woken up from your nap and felt very nauseous from the plane ride; well thats what you assumed or maybe it was a bug from going from extreme warm weather to 40° in Virginia.  Hotch briefed the case. Three women were burned and beaten to a pulp. The women were both ex law enforcement and ex military officials.

"Derek and Rossi you two go to the first crime scene. JJ and Emily, I want you to go to the second and talk to any potential witness, Reid and Y/L/N I want you to stay her and come up with a geographic profile. I will go to the recent crime scene while Garcia runs information on the victims." Hotch stated as he stood from the table.

" Spencie... someone is gonna see!" you squealed as Spencer ambushed you with kisses. " So, let them princess. I want everyone to know your mine!" he said as he made his way down to your breasts. He unbuttoned your top with his long slender fingers. " Daddy, someone gonna see..." you whispered before being caught off guard by his hand gently wrapped around your throat. "I don't care, I need you right now. I want to show you how much I love you." Spencer grunted as he went to unhook your bra.  He then flipped your backside to face him. He bent you against the round table before ruining your work clothes.

As you were just about to finish, the door opened and got slammed quickly after. Hotch ordered Spencer to lock the door as he turned his attention to you. " WTF ! What were you two thinking?" he asked annoyed as he stared into your eyes as you quickly
hooked your bra into place and slipped your panties back on.

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