Chapter Six

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    It was a rainy Monday morning, you climbed out of bed and went to your closet. You threw on a pair of plum purple dress pants and a black blouse with a decent V neck. You mangled to get your  gun holster around your pants. Doing a quick swipe of mascara and brushing your teeth, you stepped into your black boots and locked your apartment up. As you ran down the stairs you managed to throw a tight ballerina bun on the top of your head. You drove to the office, you were dreading about hearing the gossip about Saturday night.

  Walking into the bullpen, you were the second person there. The first obviously being Hotch, you walked to your desk and set your bag down, then you walked to the small kitchen/ break room. You made a cup of honey herbal tea and took it back to your desk. As you worked on finishing a case  file on your desk. You took sips of your tea which had become cold. Before you could go get another cup a loud voice echoed in your direction. " agent y/l/n my office now please." You nervously walked into Hotch's office losing all confidence in yourself you go to sit but Hotch tells you no. He stands in front of you practically pushing you onto his desk.

  His stern voice echoed in your ear, a small shiver runs down your spine.  "Y/n what's going on between you and Dr.Reid ..." he said before you could finish the door open. Hotch stepped away from you . You were frozen when you saw Spencer  and JJ they looked at Hotch with the most confused look. As JJ went to say something he quickly looked back to you and said that you need to talk to Rossi about how to do that case file. You nodded your head and squeezed past JJ.  Feeling embarrassed you ran to the bathroom. You started to cry and you fell to the floor, hot tear flowed down your cheeks causing stains to form on your pants.

You heard the door open and you stayed mute. A light tap could be heard. It was JJ, Emily, and Garcia  as you unlocked the stall they all came filing in. They just hugged you and stood you up. The moment felt like that scene in Mama Mía when Tanya and Rosie were singing "Chiquitita". That soon ended when Spencer knocked lightly bathroom door " uh guys Hotch wants us in the conference room"

You felt yourself falling but Emily caught you. As you walked out the door Spencer grabbed your other arm. You were feeling so nervous that you didn't think and grabbed his hand. Both your faces went pink but you didn't care if everyone saw. He helped you feel comfortable. You were afraid of what Hotch was going to say in the conference room, but you sat in between Spencer and Emily.
You couldn't deny you thought Hotch was attractive , but he wasn't Spencer.

Getting caught in your thoughts you notice Spencer squeezed your hand to get your attention.  Hotch cleared his throat and said " we have a serious case and we need to leave now."

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