Chapter Eighteen

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" y/n you already know I love you..." Reid smiled at you while you played with the comforter. " y/n let's give this a shot, please at least think about it."
After going back and forth with the idea in your head, you finally spoke. " I'm gonna need to think about it, but I will let you know my decision by Saturday night." Both men nodded in agreement and kissed each side of your cheeks. Then they wrapped you up into their muscular arms causing you to drift off too sleep. You could hear them talking as you dosed off . Hotch had mentioned to Reid he had to go back home, so that he would be home when Haley dropped Jack off.

Before leaving he kissed your forehead and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear.  Spencer followed him to make sure the front door got locked and made sure the patio door was locked too. After you heard the front door close and Spencer footsteps heading back to your bedroom, you moved over so he had room on his side of the bed.  When he laid down he pulled you close to his chest. He whispered into the darkness " princess you deserve both Hotch and I in your life. I love you and you know that, but no matter what I will always be there for you..." he mumbled other words that you fell asleep too.

*Bing Bing Bing*

"F*ck, do serial killers not get a hobby? They could play chess or bake cookies instead of kill people." You groan as you kissed Spencer's warm lips. He smirked as he mumbled in agreement. "  I'm gonna take a shower, Spencer we need to be at the office by 10am then we got to leave... we got another case." You yelled as you were in the kitchen starting the coffee. Running around the apartment like a chicken with its head cut off wasn't the way to start a Monday morning. After all you had only been back one day since that case in Texas.

Later in the plane we all sat listening to JJ talk about the case. We were heading to New Orleans, Louisiana and dealing with a killer on the loose. The flight was 4 hours and 30 min, not that you were counting. You sat with Reid, Hotch, and Rossi where you all were playing poker. Every game Spence won, but you didn't mind you would admire him and Hotch as they bickered back and forth. Rossi just rolled his eyes and would raise the wager. As the plane landed we headed to the police station. Hotch and Rossi talked to the head detective, Emily and JJ went and talked with the victims families, while Derek, Reid, and you went to the crime scenes.
"So where are the bodies now?" Reid asked a officer who was blocking off the scene. Half of its at the coroners and the rest is in one of those gators in that pond.

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