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"WTF..." you mumbled as you shoved your phone into your beach bag. You walked to the edge of the ship and stared out at the waves as you thought who was texting you. Your mind started to overthink everything as you leaned on the railing. The waves crashed into one another as you continued to freak yourself out. You lost track of were you were until you felt two arms holding on your waste. You knew it was Spencer, by the way his arms were slightly pink.

He pulled your long hair to one side and kissed your neck. A small moan built up in your throat,
"Spenc-e... what  if we get caught?" you said whole trying to swallow the moan. " I don't care, let them watch the show." Spencer whispered as he flipped you to face him. Your mind was racing as Spencer rubbed your cheek. " What's going on beautiful?" he asked concerned as he kissed your forehead. You hesitated, but went to say something until the voice of the other intruded the moment.

" REID! Y/N! We are playing " who would you do?"" Derek yelled waving his hand for the two of you to join in. " Derek should go first since he suggested the game." Emily said as she wrinkled her nose towards Derek. He nodded in agreement and took a sip from his fruity drink and paused in thought. " Definitely Penny! Those cat ears... meow!" He said with a smirk. Which caused Penelope to blush, " I'd chose you too, but I think I'm gonna pick mr.boss..."  Garcia giggled as Hotch playfully winked at her. You looked down at your feet to hide the eye roll you wanted to shoot to Hotch. " Um well I guess, I would choose..." he paused and bite his lip at you , but quickly finished his answer " definitely Rossi, after we can make so Italian and watch bowling" Rossi laughed as he cleared his throat before giving his answer, he chose Strauss. Emily and JJ picked each other which lead you and Reid left. Hotch listen intently after Spencer said he would do you... " welp you already have..." you thought to your self. "Earth to y/n! Who would you do?" JJ squeaked you took a moment to think " um this is hard, I'm gonna pick Spencer..." you smiled as you felt Aaron's eyes on you and Spencer. "Oooooo I love how our little nerds birds picked each other!" Emily yelled as she jump up from her seat. " Not to interrupt, but we are close to docking" Rossi spoke to distract the others from the tension that fell between Spencer, Aaron, and you.

After going home everyone packed for the early flight. Strauss had called Aaron and said you were need for a case back home right when you came home. As you scrolled through your phone that night you received a text from Aaron

Aaron- So who else were you going to pick when we played the game today?

You didn't reply or even open the message. Spencer had just gotten in the shower, so you continued to lay down and read wattpad. You were enjoying your evening until another unknown number texted you, the text made you shoot up and run into the bathroom looking for Spencer.

Unknown- " Agent y/l/n , I will be watching you work... good luck catching me before I get my hands on you..."

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