Chapter Twenty - five

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"BREAKFAST IS READY!" yelled Rossi and Garcia from the kitchen! The light shine through the window and Spencer's arms wrapped around you as he still laid there. "Baby boy, wanna go get so breakfast?" You giggled as you played with his long hair. " Mmm five more minutes..." he groggily said as he cover the two of you with the blanket. Soon enough a loud bang can from the door! "AYEE MY BEAUTIFUL NERD and SMART A$$ Doctor! Come get some food before the girls eat the rest of it." Morgan yelled.

You both got up and you threw on the purple swim suit you wore the night that Hotch joined with you and Spencer. You think threw on a sun dress with flip flops. You opened the door and soon you and Reid saw the team. Derek smirked and Garcia playfully giggled as the rest of the team look curiously at the two of you. " What's everyone looking at?" you said as you filled you and Reid's plates. Soon, Spencer brought your coffee to you. Everyone grew suspicious, but they didn't push it. " Today we are going to go shopping and have lots of drinks." JJ said to everyone.

Quickly everyone loaded up to the vans, in the first van was Morgan, Reid, Rossi, and Hotch and the other was all girls. " So, I heard someone was getting some action last night." Garcia sung as everyone looked at you. " Penny don't embarrass Emily and JJ like that." the whole car busted into giggles. They all knew something about was up with you and Spencer, but they thought you were perfect together. In the other van the boys were having a somewhat similar conversation. " So, who came in late yesterday?" Derek dug for more information as he stared at Spencer. " I was wondering that too, Rossi did you and that tourist hit it off?" Aaron asked even though he knew who came in late.

Hotch saw you and Spencer walking in, he couldn't sleep after seeing you in that swimsuit. It made him think of that night in the hotel. When his hands explored every part of your body and how he kissed every inch. Hotch's thoughts were distracted by Rossi's comment in the back " Hey Aaron did you get a bigger gun or something?" he chuckled and soon Morgan followed. " What were you thinking about or whom..." Derek asked " Which colleague was it hmmm... was it Penny, Emily, JJ, or the newest cutie... y/n" Rossi questioned. Reid sat silently and stared out the window his fist clenched together as they kept talking. " Damn, I love that pretty nerd... and those curves..." Derek continued until Spencer spoke up. " Shut the f*ck up Derek, I know your just f*cking around, but how would you feel if someone said those things about your sister or your mother?" Spencer snapped from the backseat. The rest of the ride was silent, but one thing Spencer noticed was an approval nod from Aaron who's fists were clenched as well.

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