Chapter twenty-three

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Reid gets up and heads to the back of the plane. You heard the door shut. So you slowly waited to follow him back. As you walked to the back of the plane your breath hitched as you grabbed the door handle. Before you could open it a hand tightly grabbed your wrist. In a low but loud enough voice for only you and Spencer to hear Hotch said " Agent, Dr.Reid is in there. You don't want to walk in on him, you'd be traumatized." Your face glowed pink as you walked quickly back to the rest of the team. They were to excited about the bonding to care what had just happened to you.

" So, Emily is this gonna be like your sin to win weekend?" you heard Derek questioning her.

*Ding Ding*
My Pretty boy- Hotch ruined our chance...
Y/N- Its okay Spence, we will just have to do it again somewhere in Hawaii.
My Pretty boy - you mean everywhere in Hawaii right? 😉

You smiled at him as he walked back to the seat in front of you. The whole rest of the flight was quiet, but the tension that Hotch created earlier still lingered. " All right gang we are landing now!" yelled Garcia excitingly while holding Morgan's hand. After an hour, the team and you arrived at a beach house. " There are only 7 rooms, so two people are going to have to share one." JJ said while everyone looked a Derek and Spencer. " I'm not sleeping with Reid!" Morgan stated. " Reid and I can share, I don't mind really." you said as you grabbed your stuff from the trunk of the car. " Alright team, dinner is gonna be on the beach at 7.Don't forget your swim suits." Garcia said before heading to her room.

As you were unpacking your suitcase, Spencer's arms wrapped around your waist. " Are you gonna wear one of the swimsuits that I picked out for you?" He mumbled unto the crook of your neck. " Anything for you doctor..." you said in a suggestive tone. He turned you around and grabbed your body. Your legs wrapped around his hips and you could feel his hand on your ass. "Oh, babygirl... you and your skirts" he growled into your ear. Before you knew it he was going in and out of you. Your breath hitched, you try to silence your moans with each other's mouths.  After reaching your peak you both panted while you were against the wall.

"We will do more later, but only if your a good girl at dinner." Spencer whispered before he changed into his swimsuit and a T-shirt. He shut the door behind you and you slipped on the tiny bikini he picked out for you. You threw a coverup over it just to tease Reid and to make Aaron jealous...

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