Chapter Twenty- eight

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As you  turned around you felt the cold breeze on your behind, but it was soon stopped by two warm hands. Pushing the dress back down you forgot how to stop spinning. The same hands caught you and set you up carefully. " Be careful, Y/n you don't want to ruin your dress" Spencer said as he got in between Aaron's viewing point. " Y/n let's go out! " yelled Penny her yelling knocked you back into reality. Your cheeks glowed bright red, your blushing almost seemed darker than your dress. You waved to the guys and ran out to the limo that Rossi bought for you guys.

" Are the guys meeting us at the club?" you asked as you sat by the champagne cooler.  " Yes, they are meeting us there! Emily and I wanted us to have more girl time!" JJ looked up from her phone when answering. After a few glasses of champagne and the loud pounding of the speakers in the limo you gained more confidence. As you pulled up to the club the girls and you jumped out everyone's eyes were on you and the girls. Attractive Singles and couples danced scandalously to each song. The bright lights flashed through the crow of people and the smell of vodka and pineapple  found its way to your nose.

" Pineapple shots ladies?" asked a familiar voice from behind the girls and you. " Oh my Chocolate Thunder how can I say no to you." Penny swayed as she grabbed a shot. You noticed two pairs of eyes on you, it was Spencer and Aaron. One by one everyone took shots, you were the last because you were the youngest leaving Rossi to go before everyone. You laughed as JJ struggled to keep the liquid down, but for you it was easy and quick which lead everyone speechless. " Holy sh$t y/n/n, that was hotttttt!!!" Yelled Emily as she grabbed your hand and dragged you and the others to the booming dance floor.

The music controlled your body, your danced to every song with the girls until one song started to play. The slow rhythm caused your hips too move sensually. Without noticing Spencer came up from behind you and turn you to face him. Your hips still moved as your chests were pushed together. " Babygirl, he's looking at you..." Spencer whispered into your ear. His warm breath was the result of you starting to put on a show for the boss himself. You arched your back and moved closer to Spencer. His growth length pushed against your dress. You slowly made eye contact with Aaron as you hitched up your skirt for Spencer. Both Hotch and Reid looked like they wanted to rip off your dress. " Princess, I want to take you home right now... f*ckkk" Spencer could barely get out as you palmed his growing girth.

" Well what's stopping you..." you smirked at Spencer and with that he picked you up and went to the limo.

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