Chapter Thirty-Three

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" Hotch, I came on to her... don't yell at her!" Spencer spoke up as he came back from locking the door.
You swayed on your heels as you stared at your heels. Your black heels turned into a blur as you you tried to blink away the tears. Before the boys noticed you sprinted out of the room. Your bag laid at your desk and was quickly snatched by your hand as you continued running.

Your legs started to burn as you ran to your rusty black explorer. You speed off to your apartment for a full 2 miles a car had been following you. You quickly ripped out your phone and dialed Morgan. " What's up my sexy nerd?" he purred as he answered " I'm being followed and the car is speeding up on me. The plates are JDS-D4..." beep beep. " Y/N! Are you there? Y/L/N!" Derek yelled as your phone disconnected.

As you were reading the cars plates the car snuck up to your side and shot at you through the window. You were hit and the car spun out of control. It flipped over and you were trapped. You could breathe and slowly felt your eyes fall. You didn't get to tell them you loved them. You couldn't die without saying goodbye, but it felt like it was too late.

"HOTCH! Y/N is in danger!" Garcia came running up to the meeting room. Before she could say anything, else both Hotch and Spencer ran out the building to go find you.  Pulling up to the accident both men ran towards you. They were pushed back by the first responders until they flashed their badges. " That is my agent! Let me through god damn it!" Hotch ran towards your limp body. Spencer following suit and running behind Hotch. As the stretcher was being loaded into the ambulance, both men went to go in, but before Aaron could sit Rossi arrived and told him they need him there. Garcia found the guy and the team needed his help. Aaron kissed your forehead before giving your hand a light squeeze. After that moment it was just Spencer and you. You couldn't move or talk but you could hear him. Spencer was mumbling to himself.

" I love you, please don't leave me. I can't do this with our you."

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