Chapter Three

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You feel a small hot breath graze in your ear and you wake up startled until you hear Spencer's soft whisper comforting you. " I'm sorry to wake you y/n, but we gotta fill out paper work then go home." Spencer says while you stand up groggy. As you go to walk out you noticed a small wet spot on Spencer's shirt, you then realized that you almost fell asleep on his shoulder and yet still drooled on it. He noticed your gazed and quickly said it was no big deal.

Everyone walked off the jet and went into the office. They filled out paper work for the remaining two hours. After you finished you went into Hotch's office and dropped it off, he stood and closed the door and asked you to sit. You took a seat feeling quite nauseous from the unknown events occurring. Hotch sits down and stares at you with his dark eyes, his tired eyes trailing over yours. " Agent y/l/n, you did a great job on your first case, I do want to say a few things before you leave..." standing up and looking out the window he continues his thoughts " I want you to not be afraid to speak up on theories or anything you see, it's important for you to improve your skills as well as being apart of the team. As for being the youngest person on the team it may seem like a lot of pressure, but I can assure you we all were the youngest at one point." He says with a small reassuring smile causing your stomach to flutter a little. You get up and tell him thank you for the feedback and the compliment, but as you're about to open the door he lightly grabs your hand... and there was only a few sparks. He looks down at you and says " Oh and y/n I'm sorry about Agent Morgan he tends to share the truth in very unfitting situations."

He lets go of your hand and you open the door you nod and walk to your desk silently trying to process what happened. You didn't believe what Hotch said about how Morgan tells the truth in unfitting situations... does that mean everyone here thinks I'm hot or cute or something. You are all flustered when your about to leave you bump into Spencer and sure as hell you feel that jolt of energy shooting throughout your body. His kind grey eyes stare into yours, before you apologize he asks if you wanted him to walk you to your car. You nod and you both walk side by side for a moment not saying anything. You guys finally reach your rusty black four door explorer, when you go to open the door you threw your bag in the passenger seat.

When your done you turn back to Spencer who's eyes are glued to you. He smiles shyly when he realized you turned back around. "Hey uh y/n are you going out with the team tomorrow to the bar?" Spencer asked looking at his shoes. You answer in the same fashion " I wasn't planning on it, but if you go I'll go." You smile as he looks ups at you while he flips his hair out of his eyes. Before he answer there was a small pause and then he finally said " I'll go if you go too".

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