Chapter twenty-two

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"Reid let me just see y/n , let me explain to her." Hotch pleaded while Spencer stood still in front on the doorway. " Hotch with all do respect, I think you explained it to everyone today. Where do I begin ? What about the moans we could hear from your office or the fact that you two were creating steam on the office window!" Spencer sternly let's outs.

" for f*ck sakes Reid! Let me see her!" Hotch said while trying to push Spencer, but he didn't budge. The neighbors started opening their doors to see what was going on and hoping for an altercation, but Spencer noticed them all. " She is asleep and you aren't waking her up. I think it's time for you to go." Spencer told Aaron who clenched his fists tightly. " fine, you win" Hotch huffed as he left. You quickly heard the door shut and lock, so you ran to your bed. Throwing over your favorite blanket, you laid there for a while and Spencer still wasn't in your bed. You does off finally then felt his arms wrap around you. He whispered in your ear " I won't ever let you go... I love you y/n"

"Hey beautiful, I made us so coffee before we have to go to work." Spencer whispered ask he set the mug down on the night stand. " Spencer, I don't wanted go, he's gonna try and talk to me." You said while sitting up from your bed. " Y/n/n , we might have a case. Don't worry I won't leave you, if we get separated stay close to the girls or Morgan... okay?" He said as he brushed his hair.  A few hours later we all sat at the round table. " We are heading to Hawaii, but there is no case. It's gonna be a team bonding trip, so  go home and pack then we are heading out!" JJ smiled as we clapped in excitement.

*On the phone*
"Red bikini or Purple bikini Dr.Reid" you asked
" Definitely both my smexy vixen" he groaned into the phone. " Oh and y/n/n I'm out front to pick you up." He laughed.
" Ok on my way down!" you said as you closed your  door.

You were so excited, Hawaii would be the perfect place to forget about the horrific cases your team and you have solved and it is the perfect place to for your issues with Hotch even though he was coming. As you crammed into the jet, Emily was the last person on and she grinned while shouting " What happens in Hawaii stays in Hawaii." Everyone agreed and soon the plane was off. You sat close to Reid and avoid eye contact with Hotch. Spencer noticed that he was blowing up your phone , but that you were responding.

Incoming Text
My Pretty Boy: Have you ever joined the mile high club?
Y/n: no , I can't say I have Dr.Reid. I've never been given the opportunity...
My Pretty Boy: meet me in the bathroom in 5 minutes and we will change that...

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