Chapter One

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It's your first day of work, and you can say you are nervous as hell. You just moved to Quantico, Virginia a week before, after accepting a job from the FBI. You could work for any department, but you pushed yourself to apply for the Behavioral Analysis Unit. At 22 years old, you are the youngest agent to be working at the BAU, making you feel pressure from everyone.

You had family back home doubting you, yet they would never admit. Before leaving your tiny one room, one bath, and a small kitchen that was your living room apartment, you went to your room. Standing and looking at yourself in the small mirror, you smoothed your black dress pants and tucked your white dress shirt with the ruffles sleeves into your pants.Standing there you whisper to yourself "y/n you got this! Don't be nervous or show fear. Also do not throw up!"

Locking the door you head to your car, the drive felt way faster than 10 minutes. When pulling in you noticed different agents and people of all shapes, sizes, and personalities. Taking the elevator to the top floor made your stomach hurt in a non reassuring way. As the elevator dinged you felt yourself get knocked down when stepping out. Scrambling to your feet you locked eyes with a very built man. You couldn't help but blush , so you looked down hoping the red pigment in your checks would retract.

He's brown eyes met with yours and your breath was blown away. As you studied his wavy black hair and chiseled jawline. His voice interrupts your thoughts, " Agent y/l/n I presume. I am SSA Hotchner." You smile shyly when you go to apologize he cuts you off before you can. Hotch smiles and says his apologies instead, as he asks you questions and creates conversation you both end up in the bullpin. He shuffles his way through the talking agents, you follow and soon reach a desk across from a neat and tidy one.

As you set your bags down and put your gun holster around you a blonde woman calls for Hotch. As he excuses himself the blonde woman smiles at you, not even two minutes go by and everyone is called into the conference room. As you grab your notebook you walk in sitting in the seat closes to Hotch. Sense he was the first one you met you felt comfortable by him, soon everyone filled in and all eyes fell on you. " Before we start the briefing I have someone I'd like to introduce, this is Agent y/n y/l/n and she is joining the team." Hotch said before giving the floor to the blonde woman; She smiled and said " Hi y/n I'm Jennifer Jareau, but please call me JJ." Soon everyone followed suit, but one person stood out to you and little did you know everything was about to change.

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