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" Baby... we should start to get up." Spencer whispered as he kissed your forehead. His arms still held you as you groggily woke up. " What time is it Spence?" You asked as you rubbed your eyes. The sun shines through the open window with the cool ocean breeze adding to the mix. " It's 11am princess, we our going diving remember?" Spencer replied as he walked to the bathroom. You weren't to thrill as everyone else about diving with sharks. You have seen plenty of movies with sharks and it always ended badly. " Daddy?" You spoke just to see what Spencer would do, he walked out in his red swim trucks and flashed you a smile. " I like it when you call me that." he said soon leading into some morning sex...

After trying to decide what swim suit to wear you chose the cow print suit. You loved cows which was a very unusual thing for an FBI agent but you didn't care. You threw on your see through cover up and headed out the door. You ran to the SVU which caused your flip flops to clink together. " Look at her run, if I wasn't in love with JJ I'd so be trying for that!" Emily giggled as you opened the door. " You girls weren't checking me out were you?" You asked as you say all the girls laugh. " Well Emily was and well so were the guys... except Rossi." Penny said as she turned her head to the back seat. " Speaking of boys what happened last night? You and Spencer ditched us." JJ questioned like how your mom would when it came to boys.

" We may have made out a little..." you started off and everyone squealed including you. " PAY UP RIGHT NOW EMILY!" Penelope yelled as Emily grabbed a $10 bill and pushed it into Garcia's hand. " you guys made a bet?" You snorted out loud as the others laughed. We knew you two were going to be making "memories" JJ emphasized the memories. You stared out the window wonder what was gonna happen to day you had a feeling that you couldn't shake. You all soon walked to the boat and climbed the stairs. " ROSSI YOU OUTDID THE LIMO" Derek said as he ran up to the deck like a child on Christmas Morning. You found your way to the mini bar and got a strawberry water to avoid being dehydrated.

You set your bag down next to a beach lounger and laid your towel out. You slipped off your flip flops and cover up and sat down. Your sunglasses were perched on the top of your head as you put on sun screen. You went to do your back and felt to hands come from behind you. " Hey princess let me help you." Spencer's said making you stomach full of butterflies. His hands grazed your back and made their way to your lower thighs. When he finished he gave you a kiss and said " I love you" the walked back to Derek.

As you laid in the lounger your nerves grew thinking about diving with Sharks. " How is this gonna bring us closer together?" You questioned to yourself. Foot steps soon shuffled behind you and the rest of the team surrounded you. " Y/n we drew names out of a hat to make the partner match up more interesting... you are partners with Hotch" Penelope said with a smile. After putting on the equipment each group went down one by one. Garcia and Spencer first, Derek and JJ next, after them was Emily and Rossi, and last was Aaron and you. Your heart beat fast as Hotch helped you into the cage. " Love, I know we aren't on good terms , but please know I promise to protect you no matter what." Aaron whispered in your ear which pissed off Spencer.

The blue water in gulfs you as you watch the sharks swimming around you. You look at the creatures in awe as they swim and chop on the fish below. Aaron came up from behind you and held you close, you swam closer to the ladder and climbed out. Hotch followed suit. You swimsuit became almost see through so you wrapped up in a towel. You grabbed your phone and read a message from an unknown number.

" See you soon agent y/l/n"

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