Chapter Nine

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You awaken in your apartment as the sun shine through your small window, you felt something nuzzle into the crook of your neck. It was Reid, his light brown hair ruffled perfect against your y/h/c hair. You lay there silently with your lips still swollen from last night. You legs still shook and your cheeks stayed bright red. Your eyes trailed down your naked body then down Spencer's you were admiring the marks you gave one another when he started to stir. You quickly shut your eyes and tried to steady your breathing.

You felt his arm wrap around your waist and felt tiny kisses on your neck. You try and stay still but his warm voice says " Babygirl I know your awake..." you go to mumble something but he kisses you instead. His hands roamed your body allowing you to let out a small moan between your lips, but before things continued he pulled away. He put a piece of hair behind your ear and just stared at you. He cleared his morning throat then asked " y/n/n can I use your shower."

" Yes of course Spencer!" you say as you wrap yourself in the sheet and head to the hall closet to get him a towel. He grabs the towel and as he is about to shut the door he says " oh and babygirl you can just call me daddy since thats all that came out of you last night." With a wink he closed the door and turned the water on. You went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the both of you. Your heart was still fluttering and it about explode when Spencer came out with only a towel around his waist.

As you felt his eyes on you and when you would go to look they would flicker down. Before you could finish your last bite of pancakes there was a knock at the door. In sync both you and Spencer shot up from the table looked at each other, quickly Reid grabbed his plate and mug of coffee so that it wouldn't look suspicious to whoever was at the door. There was another knock and before opening it you peeked behind to see your bedroom door shut you opened the door and....

"Y/n/ can I come in?" It was Hotch.

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