Chapter thirty five

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* Fast forward 5 years *

" Mommy, where are we going?" two toddlers tweeted from the backseat of the familiar black suburban. After five years of being in hiding and under watch of the service protection program it was time to go back to Virginia. They caught the stalker who turned out to be one of Spencer's ex girlfriendswho tried to kill you. In those 5 years you had the twins, Walter Derek and Diana Grace. Both were smart like their father and very shy to new people, but warmed up quickly to other like their mom.

It was a warm summer night when the SUV halted in front of a small White House. Getting out first, you grabbed Walter while your one of the agents helped out Diana. Grabbing both their tiny hands you three walked up the steps. The lights were off in the house and it was creepily quite, until you flipped the which and heard " SUPRISE! WELCOME BACK Y/N and..." the look at the two toddlers hiding behind you. You smiled at the team and your friends you had missed dearly and helped them continue their sentence. " This handsome boy is Walter Derek and this gorgeous little twin of mine is Diana Grace." Spencer eyes were wide and his jaw dropped when he saw himself in the twins

You bent down to your kids and reminded them who everyone was " that's auntie JJ, Emily, and Penny and other there is uncle Derek, Aaron, and Rossi." The children waved at them and then looked at Spencer and ran over to him nervously you played with the necklace Spencer gave you, but sighed in relief when you heard them." Daddy!!!" they screamed and with overwhelming joy Spencer hugged his children and you.

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