Chapter Seven

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  Hotch explained to everyone that the police in Columbus ,Ohio had a serial killer. As the jet took off Hotch went over the case in more detail; " Four white females have been found without their hearts and their livers. The Columbus police think it's just a serial killer, but this is most likely a Cannibal killer." You Felt your stomach turn so you took a sip of your sprite to keep your breakfast from coming up. " I want JJ and Derek to go to the police station, Reid and Rossi go to the The coroner's office, Emily , y/n, and I will go to the crime scenes and talk with the families."
     During the flight I fell in and out of sleep, but still felt sick from this morning. After landing, the ride to the crime scene was awkward for you. Emily was in the passenger seat while Hotch drove you could feel his eyes looking at you through  the rear mirror. You wanted Reid to be next you like this morning. The crime scenes were all different, one was in the middle of a walking trail, one covered in brush, another in a tree, and the other in a creek near the other two scenes. Both you and Emily had to step away from the scenes to make sure to not compromise the evidence or the scene itself.

  As you both walked to get some air, Emily whispered " what happened this morning? Everyone was worried about you, poor Spencer he was anxiously waiting for you to come back, but when you didn't me and the girls wanted to make sure you were ok." Before answering her question you turned around to make sure nobody was listening and then you turned your attention back to her and started with " I know you'll think I'm crazy but I think Hotch likes me, but I don't know if I like him. When we came back from that case in Texas he agreed with Morgan that I was pretty and he grabbed my hand and I just felt a few sparks, but with Spencer it's a jolt of electricity shooting through my body"

Emily's eyes wide a little bit, as you continued " This morning Hotch asked me what was up with me and Spencer. Emily I don't know what to do, I have so many emotions and it feels like I'm trapped in a love triangle that's not actually happening." Emily nods you hear Hotch calling you both back, as you walk back to the group of police officers and other crime scene professionals she tells you that she will meet you at your room tonight to talk more about it.

Everybody met up at the police station. And everyone comes up with the plan to put us as one of the decoys to catch the serial cannibal. " according to the last three victims, the unsub has a type. He goes for 22-30 year old women with y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes." Immediately everyone looks at you and in disbelief you nod your head accepting your fate. After a few more days of collecting more evidence, you had to get ready for a nightly jog you never did before. As you are getting ready in your hotel room, you heard a knock it was Hotch. Before you could even say hello, he grabbed your face and kissed you. You didn't know how to react, so you didn't kiss back. As he pulled away , you slammed the door closed you saw Spencer who had seen everything.

Your heart was shattered as you texted Emily crying and she came up to your floor. She talked you down while you were preparing to be live bait. You couldn't stop crying, Spencer was mad at you and you could lose you job because of Hotch's actions. Before you knew it you were running, in the chilly night air. In nothing but a tight Nike crop top and a pair of neon pink spandex shorts that Emily told you to wear. You felt so exposed you were more worried about what everyone was thinking and you didn't even hear a stick break behind you.

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