Chapter Twenty-one

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" What the f*ck are they doing?" You mouthed to Emily as see looked up from her file. " I think they are back together." she spoke while staring. JJ and Garcia walk quickly towards yours and Emily's desks. "Y/n! Emily! What is happening?!" Garcia almost yelled when asking. " Shhh baby girl , they could hear you and notice us." Derek whispered to Penelope who was staring at Hotch and Haley with intensity. " I thought they were getting divorced" Garica asked JJ who was avoiding eye contact from everyone. " I sort heard Hotch and her talking on the phone when I dropped some cases in his offices the other day before we left for New Orleans ." JJ looks at us when she says it then looks back down " They  want to make it work again."

You glare daggers towards them both, they are practically making out. Then ,Haley grabbed Aaron's hand and guided him to his office. She closed the blinds and you could almost heard the door lock. You felt warm tears fill your eyes and you vision when blurry you wiped your eyes and hurried off to the filing room. Then you just let it all out. Your eyes grew puffy, after a few minutes there was a small knock. You opened the door and Spencer stood there holding your favorite candy in one hand and his in the other. He closed the door and without any hesitation he held you in his arms."Shhh baby, I got you. I won't leave you y/n/n, I love you so much. I had no idea either other wise I wouldn't of let the other night happen." He whispered in your ear and wipes the tears from you cheeks. He kisses your forehead and helps you fix your hair into a neat braid.

"Spence how did you do that! You didn't tell me you knew how to do braids." You said while you looked at him in awe. "It's simple math really..." you cut him off with a kiss and you melted into him. Then you pulled away. You kissed his cheek and thanked him for the candy before leaving the file room first. He followed a few minutes later. By the time you finished the rest of your case files, it was time to go home. You noticed Hotch and Haley were still in his office. You couldn't help but feel broken, you saw steam form on his window that faced the bullpen. You ran out the door and went to your car. You pulled out quickly and drove straight to your apartment. Within minutes the girls were blowing up your phone asking why you ran out of the bullpen without saying good bye. You replied with " Sorry, there's a new wheel of fortune on tonight." Then another text came through

My Pretty Boy : Wants some Indian food and some company?

You: Yes please, I need someone to laugh with!

My Pretty Boy: On my way beautiful!

Soon Spencer arrived with Indian food in hand. "You just keep spoiling me today." You giggled as you set the table for you two. After an hour, the food was gone and you both were tired. "I gonna go shower, feel free to join!" you said to Spencer as he helped you cleaned up. " I totally would baby, but I already took one before I came over here." Spencer voiced  as he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. " I met you in my bed then!" You said while pulling away from him . He smiled at you and you smiled back. When you were getting out you heard talking from outside your room.

"Hotch I'm sorry but you lied, she doesn't want to see you. Why don't you just go home to your son and wife."

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