Chapter twenty-six

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Pulling up to a large open shopping market, you and the girls anxiously got out of the van. The boys pulled up next, first Rossi climbed out then the others followed suit. " We are going to get some dresses for tonight.Then we will head back to the beach house, so we can get ready later for tonight." Garcia practically sang as she grabbed yours and Emily's hand. JJ shook her head and laughed as she grabbed Emily's hand.

" So what's up with you and boy genius..." Penelope asked while pulling you into a small tent. " Nothing up Penny, you know that..." you trailed off as you noticed her darting towards a dress. " Y/n, you know I can see through that. I might not be a profiler, but I am one of your best friends." she responded as she held up a pink flowered beach dress against her body. She smiled at you before asking " what color dress are you going to get?" You paused for a moment and looked in the mirror at your long y/h/c hair falling over your tan shoulders. " You should get this red one y/n!" You heard JJ as she ran to you with the dress in hand. The red dress was short with a ruffled skirt; it had a low V cut which would accent your breast perfectly. You nodded your head as you grabbed the dress. Soon, you and the girls heading back to the van and meet up with the boys.

You blushed as you saw Spencer's messy hair blow in the wind. You noticed he had undone the top two buttons of his shirt. He's hazel eyes met yours as you stared at him. You didn't know you were staring until Derek carried you over to the van. " Derek! Stop it!" You laughed as he went to sit you down in the backseat. "Derek Franklin Morgan! You better move that hand from my a$$" you continued to laugh. When he put you down you noticed Aaron and Spencer's jaws clenched. "I'm riding with the girls, y/n wanna traded?" Derek teases as he started the other van. " Sure, that's fine..." you replied as you shut the car door to avoid the others glances.

Before the boys got in the car you heard Derek say something to Aaron and Spencer, but you couldn't make it out. " You too have fun... don't stare to much pretty boy... oh and keep it professional Aaron." Derek skipped back to the other van before the others filled into your van. " Rossi, remind me again why did I hire Morgan?" Aaron huffed as he pulled out of the parking space. "Hmmm eye candy?" Rossi sarcastically said.

Buzz Buzz*

My Pretty boy: Derek is getting on my nerves
You: What did he say...?
My Pretty boy: He's just being an asshole. He traded vans with you to make Aaron and I awkward. He knows we both like you.
You: Aaron is with Haylea... right?
My Pretty boy: I don't know, but your mine...

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