Chapter Nineteen

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"Damn, this unsub is a sicko..." you mumbled to yourself as you walked along the edge of the pond. You found one stray cigarette butt and collected into a plastic evidence bag. As you walked closer to where the body was you remembered noticing the rope burn marks around the victim neck. You walked the other way and call out to Derek. With a quick wave he came running. " What is it mini me?" He asked while laughing at himself. "Look it's a piece of rope... we should she if it matches the burns on the victim and the others. Derek nodded as he picked up the rope with his gloved hand.

" Morgan! Y/n! We are going to head back to the station! Hotch just called me!" Spencer yelled from the cop cars. As you all hopped in to the SUV you could feel your eyes fall on Spencer. You admired his loose curls and his perfect glasses. He looked so innocent, but you knew better. "It's always the quiet ones" you thought while still staring at him. As we arrived at the station we laid the evidence bags in the conference room safe and were dismissed shortly after. " Hey Y/n! Wanna come have a girls night with Emily and I" JJ asked while blushing at Emily winking at her.

You smirked, but insisted on staying at the hotel. JJ frown and looked at you. "If you need to talk about anything, you can talk to Emily, Garcia, and I. Please remember that!" You smiled and hugged her until she pulled away to catch up with Emily. When you got to the hotel you quickly stripped down of your work clothes and replaced them with your swimsuit. It was a little tight , but you knew it would probably just be you in the hotels hot tub after it all it was almost 11pm, you were able to convince the sweet checkin boy to keep it open later. Walking to the hot tub wrapped in you towel you noticed the night employees checking you out. You blushed thinking about what the boys would think if they were there. After 10min you felt relaxed, you closed your eyes for a minute until you felt two bodies sit on each side of you.

The one body started kissing your neck and biting ever so lightly. " Boys while don't we go to my room..." you barely could get the words out. Hotch's strong arms lifted your body and carried you as Reid pressed the elevator door and the buttons, he then opened the door and locked it. "Wanna play a game baby girl?" Reid spoke to you in a collected voice " Yes, please..." you whimpered as Aaron laid you down on the bed. " Heres the game, first one of us will have satisfy you and then we will switch... at the end you have to guess who was who." You could practically hear the lust in his voice. " You don't have to play if you don't want to..." Hotch added.

" Yes. I wanna play, who wants to go first?" you playfully giggle. After a loud game of Rock Paper Scissors, you lips where occupied. The kiss were rough and their hands roamed your body. You pulled their hair, you felt them going lower and kissing your thighs, your legs started to shake. A small grip was present on your neck, slight pressure then it stopped and after they finished the roles switched. Gentle kisses, a confident main escaped your lips has you felt their tough glide over your bud of nerves. After the second time your world was rocked you laid their panting. You felt their arms wrap around you waiting for your guesses.

"So the first person was..."

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