Chapter Eleven

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Sunday quickly came and went and the Monday morning sun shined brightly through the window in your bedroom. Spencer left Sunday evening so that he could pack his go bag. You were uncomfortably nervous and were overheating in your car. As you tug on your turtle neck, the love bites that Spencer had left covered every inch. You blushed thinking about your whole weekend. You both couldn't keep your hands to yourself, every hour you seemed to spend in your room with Spencer. His brown curly hair was in your face while he made your legs shake and your nails never left his back.

" Princess... Earth to y/n/n" Derek stood in front of you while you stand by the coffee machine, you didn't realize you were staring at Spencer. Derek caught you looking at him intently as Spencer licked his lips while filling out case reports. The flush of red appeared and didn't retract until someone interrupted your train of thought. " Agent y/l/n, I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?" Hotch's dark eyes met yours and you melted under his touch. You didn't realize he caught you until you saw Spencer glaring daggers at Hotch. " I'm fine, thank you..." you said drifting off while you smoothed your skirt and straighten your turtleneck. Derek went to make a joke when suddenly JJ stormed in with a loaded file folder.

We are heading to Texas, 4 connected murders have been claimed by the unsub , and the unsub claims they did 6 others. All young boys and young girls ages 12-15. " Wheels up in 30... this will be a long week." Hotch said before exiting the conference room. You stood up and grabbed your go bag and drove to the jet. As everyone boarded the jet you could hear, JJ and Emily were gossiping, Rossi and Hotch were bonding, Derek scrolled through his phone laughing at a text from Penelope, and then there was Spencer. He had his nose in a book and the rim of his glasses were perched perfectly on his face.

Looking at him gave you a sense of calmness that had been missing from your life. You sat beside him and he pretended to not notice, but his hand slipped into yours and gave it a quick squeeze before he pulled it away. Quietly, Spencer whispered to you " I'll meet you in your hotel room tonight babygirl." You blushed thinking you were the only one who heard it but someone else could.

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