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As soon as the door of the limo closed, Spencer shut the front window giving you to more privacy. As he did that you played music to drown out the noise you were making. Small moans left your mouth as Spencer kissed and sucked at your neck. You swiftly straddled him without breaking contact. " Damn, as soon as I saw that dress, I knew I couldn't wait to take it off." Spencer growled in your ear. His hands wander from your hips to your breast. He was careful with every moment as he went to unhook your bra.

He stopped and smirked at you and said " what a vixen, you went bra less" you blushed again and giggled under his gaze. He grabbed one and circled it with his thumb and put the other one in his mouth. The pool in your red boy shorts began to flooded, you stopped Spencer and got down on your knees. Unbuckling his belt caused his breath to hitch. Slowly you took out his manhood and slowly you worked your magic.

Soon you felt the warm liquid and you looked back you to Spencer. " Damn I hope Rossi got the insurance for this..." you giggled as you cleaned him up real quick. You felt his hand hook to your chin and he tilted your head up slightly. " god you are so beautiful y/n. I never want to leave you" he said genuinely. Soon the limo came back to the house. You stumble up the stairs as Spencer got you some water. You thought it was just you and Spencer home, but it turns out someone else left.

As you went into Spencer and yours room you slipped out of your dress leaving you only in your boy shorts. There was a knock on the door, you didn't think about putting on a shirt just your robe. You opened the door and saw Hotch staring at you. " Uh Aaron, is everything ok? What's going on?" you asked as Aaron grabbed your face. He kissed you passionately and pulled the corner of your bath robe down. You heard footsteps and pulled away from him and spoke. " No! You aren't aloud to kiss me and think I can forgive you. You lied to me and lied to Spencer!" You felt tears swell but you kept going " You are married! So go f*ck your wife ! I'm not just a sleazy agent that you see in movies! just leave me alone..." you said and turned around to close the door.

You heard Aaron cuss under his breath and then heard Spencer. " Good night, Hotch..." Spencer said before he opened your door. You sat on the bed and cried and cried. Spencer held you till you fell asleep and cuddled you till morning.

" GEEKS!! It's are last day and we gotta be on the ship in an hour so we can go diving with SHARKS!" Yelled Emily as she ran downstairs.

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