Chapter Seventeen

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"Early yesterday morning, Lea Bridgeburn was arrested for the murders of 4 children and is still being investigated for another 6 murders." Your tv blared as you sat on your couch watching the nightly news. No one had talked about the drunken night in your hotel room. Everyone remained distanced, that weekend was quiet and involved reading and drinking tea. While you sat sipping your tea there was a knock at your door. Slowly you look through the peep hole and opened the door.

There standing in the hallway was Hotch and Reid, they nervously stared at you. It was as if you had put them under some kind of spell. " Y/n can we come in please?" Hotch asked while looking at his shoes. "Oh, yes of course you everything alright?" you asked as you closed the door. You locked it and felt two hands grab your waist. Your back faced Reid, he started kissing your neck then out of no where Hotch grabs your face and kissed your lips. Small moans left your mouth, then they switched positions. Your tongue in Spencer's mouth and your ass was pushed on to Hotch's throbbing girth.

Quickly, you grabbed both their hands and guided them to your bedroom. You sat them on the bed and slowly stripped. Their eyes burned as the studied every inch of your body. You soon crawled onto the bed in between them. Hotch held your hair as you undid Spencer's belt. Then soon the roles were reversed. Both grunted and pulled your hair every time your head bobbed. "Sweetness its your turn" Aaron smirked he started to kiss down your stomach and went lower and lower. You were speechless. Spencer gripped your wrist and left marks all up and down your body. Soon enough you reached your point.

Breathless you all pull away not sure what was going to happen next. "My love, do you want to continue whatever this is? If you say no we understand ; Aaron and I have talked about this and we are ok with it only if you are." Spencer asks as he holds your hand as Aaron rests his chin on your stomach. " I don't want to hurt anyone, how with this effect our work, I don't want jealousy and drama..." you went on and before reaching your final question.

"What happens if I fall in love with both of you"

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