Chapter Four

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After leaving the parking garage Spencer's words played over and over in your head. The broken record didn't stop until you fell asleep that night. Throughout the night you had dreams about Spencer, but it was the same dream. The dream would start with you and him talking on your bed while you played with his hair then it would end with your hair messy and hickeys trailing down your body as Spencer... well went to pound town.

You woke up sore yet nothing happened, you stumble into the shower and preformed a whole X- factor audition singing "pumped up kicks" by Foster The People. As you dry off your phone dings, you pick up the phone and see the number on the screen.

Unknow number - "hey y/n! It's Penelope, the girls and I wanted to know if you wanted to have a girls day before we go out tonight! We can go shopping and get our nails done!"
You- "Ahhh yess sounds like a blast! When should I get ready and where are we meeting?"
Penelope 🌸- " Annabella's Nails at 11:30am, it down the street from the mall!"
You- Perfect see you soon!
*read 10:00*
It currently was 10:30 am, so you decided to read a Wattpad story and then get ready. After putting on your shorts and a band tee , you headed to Annabella's Nails and you were greeted by Penelope first then JJ and after her Emily. While getting your nails done you all talked about how you were liking the BAU. Who you thought was cute, what you thought on your first day, and other topics. After an hour you all drive to the mall and went into a local boutique to find an outfit for that night. Penelope picked out a neon green dress with a fake rhinestone cover top. Then JJ grabbed a lose fitting purple dress with a white jacket to match her shoes; Emily was next and she picked out a backless velvet black dress. You were still browsing when Emily comes up with a smirk and holds up a blue skin tight dress that would highlight every curve on your body.

The girls pushed you into the dressing room and made you come out to show it off. You couldn't stop blushing because you felt embarrassed by them hyping you up. You did have to admit you looked pretty sexy in the dress Emily picked. By the time you all got done it was 3:00pm, you all went home to get ready and that nervous butterfly feeling appeared. What if everyone is too focused on me or what if Spencer doesn't notice me. You cut out your thoughts when you heard what you just said. In the mirror you admit to liking Spencer.

Your thoughts became even more scatted when you pulled up to the bar. The curls in your hair bounced as your heels hit the floor. Walking into the bar with JJ,all eyes were on you; not noticing the stares you looked for Spencer. As you saw him your gaze on each other didn't stop until Emily stood up to you already a little tipsy from drinking. You smiled as you felt Spencer eyeing you again. After 30 minutes , you already had taken 10 shots of tequila. Everyone except Spencer was feeling the effects of the alcohol, he decided to not drink.

You noticed JJ and Emily were dancing very very... well provocatively with one another and you couldn't help but laugh it was like they were a couple, then your focus went to Penelope and Derek who were singing their hearts out. As you stood up you grabbed Spencer's hand, the liquid courage allowed you to make the first move. You slowly guide him to the dance floor, he protested a few times before giving up when you moved his hands to your waist. After two songs you both stopped swaying and you turned around. You slow grind against him and you could slowly feel his length grow.

You turned around to face him his eyes were darker than the normal hazel they were. They were misted with lust for you and yours did the same. Before you even realized it Derek grab you and started to dance with you. The tequila made it hard to resist not dancing at all , but you still made eye contact with Spencer while he talked to Derek. " Well Spencer maybe you do have a chance of getting a girlfriend one day. I'll give you her back so I don't mess with the probability." he winked at Spencer as he passed you back to Spencer and he grabbed your arm keeping you from falling.

As you both started swaying again you whispered shyly into his ear feeling your liquid courage wearing off " can you drive me home Spence?" He nods and holds your arm to keep you stable everyone else is still drinking, but with you being only 22 years old your still a unpredictable light weight. You hug everyone good bye and wave. As you walked away from everyone you heard Derek yell " take care of my babes, pretty boy."

When you got to your apartment you slowly took off your heels. You released your tight curls and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. Spencer stood in the doorway awkwardly. You walked to him and guided him in. You brought him to your room and told him to seat while you changed real quick. After throwing on a pair of pjs you sat beside him and told him thank you for taking you home. You went to kiss his cheek when he accidentally moved his face and your lips meet his.

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