Chapter Two

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   His floppy brown hair falls in his face as he goes to introduce himself. " Hi I'm Dr.Spencer Reid, but please just call me Spencer." he says quietly. All you can do is smile uncontrollably. While taking notes on the case you notice Hotch and Spencer staring at you. You didn't realize that you were so concentrated that you were chewing on the top of your pen until Spence smile turned into a small chuckle. As you put the pen down you heard Hotch say "wheels up in 30". Walking out of the conference room you go through straight to your desk. You already packed your go bag the night before just incase a case came up.

   As you sit at your desk packing and unpacking things, you felt somebody standing behind you. It was Spencer, his light brown pants were over his red striped sweater. Your mouth goes dry until he says
" hey y/n would you want to sit with me on the plane?" You nervously blurted our " Of course I would love too" your thoughts took over and you thought to yourself "really y/n you couldn't have been any quicker." Spencer walks off and heads to the jet and you following along behind him.

  You go to sit down and slowly feel someone hand graze your ass accidentally.Not wanting to draw attention you wait a moment to see who all is on the jet there's only Hotch, Spencer, and you. Whoever it was their touch sent an electronic jolt throughout your body. As you sat down next to Spencer his eyes were gazing on you once again. You looked up from your phone and asked him what he was doing. He stays quiet for a moment then replies with an honest answer, in a hush tone so that only you two could hear he says " I was profiling you on accident, we aren't supposed to, but there is something about you that makes it difficult for me." He flips his hair out of his face, before saying another word the dark chocolate thunder of a man walks in with his voice booming over ours. He eyes Reid and you and smirks smoothly, "so there is two of you Spencer...only this babygirl right here is way hotter." Derek says.You can see Hotch and Reid both roll their eyes then go look at Derek with almost
dagger eyes.

While Derek is about to say something else Hotch catches him off guard by saying "Morgan I suppose you didn't mean to make Agent y/l/n feel uncomfortable, but please apologize to her." His shocked smoothed face grows soft as he looks into your  eyes  he realizes what he said and immediately apologizes. The flight to Texas was quiet while everyone looked through notes and Hotch assigning us to our tasks. "y/l/n, Morgan , and Reid I want you to go to the crime scenes;David and Emily go talk with the families, and JJ and I will go to the police station."

The case involved two missing teenagers who had been found only 5 miles apart. They both had similar wounds and were best friends. The FBI was brought in when another pair of best friends were missing. Only this time they found one of the girls and not both. After the busy first day you headed to your hotel room. You took a shower and threw on your old Alvin and the chipmunks shirt.Then you fell asleep in the quiet motel room. After 4 days we finally found the unsub and the other missing girl who had been held hostage. She was returned to her family and was safe.

As we got on the jet, you sat by Spencer and started reading. As the lights darken you fell asleep and when the jet landed your head was almost on Spencer's shoulder...

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