Chapter Five

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  The jolt of electricity shot through both of your bodies. You couldn't pull away and you didn't want it to end. Before you could stop your self you hands ran through his hair and he let out a groan in between your lips. He grabs your waist making you wet, you never had anything like this happen to you. You were a virgin after all and only had two boyfriends in your lifetime. You climb into his lap but your phone starts to ring. "Damn it... it's Hotch" you answer the call and the first words out of his mouth were agent y/l/n... are you home? None if the other agents could get a hold of you... I wanted to make sure personally that you are ok."

  Your still on Spencer's lap and can feel his manhood throbbing through his slacks. You are able to mutter a few words to Hotch, who had no idea what he stopped. You felt somewhat relieved yet frustrated at the same time. You hung up the phone and climbed off of Spencer. Not looking at him you went to the kitchen and ate a cookie from the cabinet. You could see his silhouette in the doorframe. He breaks the silence by tripping over your heels. You let out a small giggle and walk over to help him up.

He grabs your hand and pulls himself up. " Spence , I'm sorry about all that in there, I shouldn't of..." before you could finish he curls his long fingers and lifts your chin. He smiles softly and says in the most calming way " y/n/n , don't apologize; I should apologize, if you were sober and did that with a clear head; you can trust I would of kept going." And with that he kissed your forehead and told you goodnight. You felt it was a dream but when you woke up the next morning you knew it wasn't because your phone was in the same place you threw it after Hotch called you.

You sat up and laid back down after feeling nauseous. For the rest of the weekend you laid in bed  ate crackers, and drank lots of water. Before going to bed again you managed to go take a shower. As you laid in bed you couldn't help but think about Spencer and the way you both felt. Without thinking you texted him.

You- Hey Spencer, I keep thinking about last night
*read 11:45*

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