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Chapter 24

Tiana's Perspective

"It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on." -Unknown


           I stood outside of Ally's front door with a racing heartbeat feeling as if the world had crashed down on me. What had I just done? This question had roamed in my head a hundred times but I kept telling myself it was for the better. Although in the back of my mind I knew I could never meet another man as amazing as Owen, but if he was so great why did we fight all the time. I couldn't deal with so much at once. I just needed to clear my mind.

       I must've ringed Ally's doorbell about fifty times and banged on the door enough to piss off her entire neighborhood before it flew open. She stood in nothing but a t-shirt and some brown ugg boots with a metal bat in her hands looking at me as if I was insane. Although at the moment I did feel like I had lost all sanity.

        She gasped at my messy attire consisting of a wrinkled dress and old black and white converses. My hair was a mess by now as I bit my bottom lip trying not to burst into tears. She put down the bat observing me up and down barely awake.

"Tiana girl what are you doing here? I have an early shift in the morning."

I was such a mess and trying to fight back so many emotions all at once made me utter the first words that came to mind.

"Owen and I broke up."

"Come in!"

I hurried inside letting her close and lock the front door before staring at me in disbelief.

"You must be freezing it's like fifty degrees out there right now girl." She handed me a thick blanket next to her coat rack.

I threw the blanket over my cold body shivering.

"Umm... I'm gonna go throw on some pants you can sit on the couch I'll be right back."

She sprinted down the hallway still in a daze about what I had just informed her of. I was still in shock at the moment too.

I took a seat on the sofa wrapping the blanket further around my body. Ally came back up the hallway in a pair of grey sweats going into the kitchen.

"You want some hot chocolate? It'll warm you up."

"Sure," I mumbled quietly.

She brought two cups of hot chocolate into the living room handing me a cup before sitting down next to me.

"Tiana, what the hell happened?"

Her voice was laced with seriousness as she looked me dead in the eyes.

"To be honest I wouldn't even know where to begin."

"Just stop breathing so hard before you pass out and relax and just tell me what went down."

"Well remember how I told you about how we ran into Robyn at the grocery store and how she invited Owen to her sister's birthday party in front of me."

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