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Chapter 17

Tiana's Perspective

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."-Maya Angelou


"For tonight's assignment, I would like you all to submit a five hundred word argument about why the civil war was significant towards the American government system as a whole, there are no right or wrong answers but be precise."

      I jotted down the last few notes from the PowerPoint projected in front of the classroom before shutting my notebook. As our professor carried on about the work we had to complete tonight I started packing up to soon leave. Other students chatted practically ignoring what he had just said making him finally dismiss the class.

       My classes had been kicking my ass this week and it seemed as if all of my instructors wanted to assign something around the exact same time. The semester was almost over leaving me with only one more semester to complete before being able to graduate but I'd be lying to say it's been an easy path.

While throwing my purse around my shoulder Danny came up to me pulling out a textbook from his bookbag.

"Thanks for letting me borrow it earlier this week I'd be damned if I'm paying three hundred dollars for a book."

I took the Human Geography textbook from his hands nodding my head with a smile before heading out of the classroom.

      Thank God it was almost the weekend because I had planned on doing absolutely nothing for the next two days. Finals would soon be approaching and I needed a break from it all to allow my mind to rest.

      Once throwing my items into the passenger side of my car I rode over to Owen's house to check on him for the day and hopefully spend the night. Although he had forgiven me for the shit that happened a couple of nights ago I could tell that he was still upset but expressed it in a passive manner.

      When I got to his place I unlocked his front door with the key he had made for me a few weeks back that I rarely used. While walking inside I noticed the living room and the kitchen was empty but I heard music from his bedroom with the door wide open. I put my stuff to the side walking down the hall to spot him looking through his closet with only a white towel wrapped around the lower part of his body. His chest was wet as he concentrated hard on finding something to wear.

I watched him in admiration leaning against the door with my hands behind my back as he still had not noticed me.

"Hey baby," I walked over slowly planting a kiss on his cheek making him become fully aware of my presence.

      He stopped what he was doing kissing me back on the lips with a gentle smile. When he pulled away from my lips I noticed the large bruises on his face and his left hand wrapped up in a brown bandage. Instantly I twisted my head to the side to get a better look at him.

"Owen, what happened to your face?" I asked softly.

He pulled a plain grey t-shirt from his closet throwing it onto the bed walking over to his nightstand with a shrug.

"It ain't that big of a deal."

I followed him, "yes it is."

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