Chapter 22
Owen's Perspective
"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair."-Unknown
THINGS had been rocky for the past week when it came to communication between me and Tiana, which was something hard to ignore since we were living with one another now. Tiana could always put on a great poker face but I knew when things were bothering her. I had apologized to her several times about the incident that took place with Robyn the other day but I could tell it was still bothering her. Our relationship had been really all over the place lately, every other week it's like we took one step forward then three steps back.
Tiana walked into the bedroom in a black silk robe drying her hair off with a damp towel going over to our shared dresser. I sat watching her every move on the bed as she barely acknowledged my presence.
"Are you sure about this Tia?" I asked already feeling a sense of disconnect from her.
She closed the dresser turning around to meet eyes with me, "yes I don't mind Owen how many times are you going to ask me that?"
"Enough times to make sure you're really cool with this."
Today was Robyn's little sister Heaven's birthday party. A small part of me wanted to go and wish her a happy birthday but disrespecting Tiana like that wouldn't sit right with me, especially if the shoe was on the other foot so I brushed the party off.
However, Tiana wanted me to go, but only if she came with me. I just didn't feel fully comfortable with the situation.
Tiana came closer to the bed bending down to peck me on the lips.
"I told you it's not that big of a deal I want you to at least wish the little girl a happy birthday. We won't even stay long, just enough time for you to give her a gift. I'm not worried about Robyn, this isn't about her... at all."
She sat down in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me into a slow kiss. I forgot the topic at hand and instantly became aroused. I tried taking off her robe as she giggled restricting me from doing so.
"give me some pussy," I whispered in her ear making her gasp before laughing again.
"No, I have to finish getting ready."
I sighed allowing her to get up off of my lap.
"You need to start getting ready too." She said heading into the closet.
"Aight I'm bout to... you wanna help me take off my pants."
She ignored my comment as I walked towards the bathroom.
Once I was done getting ready I started cleaning up the kitchen waiting on Tiana to finish getting dressed, which made no sense considering she had already taken a shower before me. As I was coming back from taking out the trash she stood in the living room holding her purse and jacket. I hadn't seen her so dressed up in a while and her hair was very different from this morning.

General FictionA new life in a new city has its challenges but adding on a steamy relationship, strong friendships, and a newfound persona brews up a world wind of unexposed skeletons. The longevity of Tiana's story continues in the sequel of Epiphany.