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Chapter 20

Tiana's Perspective

"And suddenly, you know... It's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings."-Unknown


       TRYING to keep a constant balance I stood on my toes struggling to hang up the shower curtain. The stool that I stood on was very slippery consisting of water droplets from when I was cleaning up the bathroom earlier causing me to slip falling down on my ass. There was a loud noise that could be heard over the music playing from my phone as Owen rushed into the bathroom in nothing but a pair of shorts and some socks. His eyebrows rose in confusion as I looked up holding back a small smile. After helping me up off the floor his face returned back to its normal state observing the bathroom.

"Tiana I told you I'd hang up the curtain later on." He chuckled as I rubbed my sore back from the hard wooden floors.

"I know but I wanted to do it on my own."

He looked at the newly hung shower curtain before looking back at me laughing.

"You could've just waited, you need to learn to slow down girl before you be walkin' round here with a busted ass head." He joked.

My back was really sore. He noticed me rubbing it in circular motions before turning me around to check it out.

"It doesn't look bad you ain't got no marks or nothin', come lay down."

This time I followed his instructions turning off the music on my phone before following him out of the bathroom.

We had been living together for over a week now and although I really was enjoying it, getting used to living with a man was something very new to me. I had always been very independent and I had grown accustomed to taking care of things by myself and having my own space even with Ally. Now that I was living with Owen he took care of things around the place and I wanted to be a helping hand as best as I could.

I thought that I could try fixing things up around the apartment, so I tried hanging up a new shower curtain but for some reason, I couldn't even do a task as simple as that without harming myself. Maybe I was just tired since it was midnight.

      I followed Owen into the bedroom shutting the door behind me. I gently laid back on the bed trying not to put too much pressure on my lower back and butt.

"Sit up," Owen said quietly.

He took a couple of spare pillows from the closet putting them up under me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

     He didn't reply lying next to me on the bed turning around to my side so that we made eye contact. We stared at one another for a while before he finally spoke up.

"Why you just ain't let me hang up the curtain in the morning Tia?" He pushed a curl out of my face as my natural hair was scattered all over my head.

I sighed.

"Baby I love living with you, being around you, waking up to you, the sex," we both chuckled at that last remark.

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