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Chapter 41

Ally's Perspective

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."-Franklin D. Roosevelt


MY patience was growing thin. I stood next to my mother as we both looked around observing the room. It was cold with posters showcasing pictures of various organs found in the human body.

We had been waiting on the doctor to come back with the test results for my mother's tumor and my nerves were a complete wreck. Images of the doctor coming back with bad news played on my mind constantly, but my mother seemed very content.

"You been really calm since we got here," I observed her growing more anxious, she was so laid back while I was freaking out on the inside.

"I'm fine whatever happens today is in God's will I've lived a good life."

"Momma would you stop talking like that! You're only in your late forties, that's not even half a lifetime and nothing is going to happen."

"I'm just preparing for whatever the outcome might be Alison."

"Well, it sounds like you're speaking a bad outcome into existence."

In the midst of us talking the doctor walked in with a smile distracting us both. The doctor shot several glances my way noticing that this was my first time coming to the doctor with my mother.

She sat down on a stool in front of us. Her long dark blonde hair that sat in a ponytail swayed back and forth as she reached over placing her clipboard on a counter next to her.

"Veronica, how are you feeling today?" She asked my mother scooting closer to the both of us.

"I'm doin' fine just tired. I been feelin' drained the past couple of days."

The doctor chuckled, "It's probably the new medication you're on that's got you like that."

Curiosity got the best of me as I tried reading over some of the notes on the doctor's clipboard that sat on the edge of the counter.

"This must be your daughter?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, this is Alison my youngest she's gonna be coming with me for my weekly checkups from now on."

My mother gripped onto my arm tightly. I could tell that she was relieved to have someone here with her. Craig was always working and so was Andre. Also, Andre was extremely hot-headed and too emotional to handle a situation like this.

"Great, thank you for coming along Alison."

"Okay well, Veronica you've been doing good with eating the right foods and partaking in a good amount of exercise. I can tell that you're losing weight at a steady pace which is great. Have you been receiving some sort of assistance to keep you on track with these things like a personal trainer?"

"No, but I did hire a young man to sort of watch after me around the house, his name is Christopher and he works for me mostly on the weekends while my boyfriend and children are working."

"That's great to hear because you have been improving with your overall health the past few months."

The doctor stood up to slip on a glove before coming over to where my mother sat.

"Could you lift up your shirt for me please?"

The woman felt around all areas of my mother's torso before removing her gloves and going back to her seat.

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