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───── ❝ First Day❞ ─────

Cass woke to the soft snores of her roommate and desperately tried to get rid of the desperate need to throw a pillow in her face. Last night, just before she fell asleep, they had a conversation that just didn't sit right with her. She changed out of her pyjamas then headed downstairs, hoping that she would be able to get a sense of the layout of this castle before breakfast. She wandered around, gazing at all the different sleeping portraits and spinning one of the multiple rings she had around her fingers, while deep in thought about questions she had always had about the world.

She, although she would never care to admit it to anyone but her Father, had quite the fascination with books so stepping into the Hogwarts library was something that brought a smile to her face. Her boots sent small echoes around the room with every step as she admired the many volumes that littered the dark shelves in some sort of order. She plucked one from the nearest shelf that she felt drawn to and went to sit down on one of the comfy chairs in the midsection of the library. There sat a girl with curly, bushy hair which hung just below her shoulders. She seemed to be rather engrossed in a huge book so Cass sank into the nearest chair and read quietly, not wanting to disturb her focus.

"Oh! Hello," the girl whispered, having just looked up from her book. "You're the new student, right"

"That's me," Cass replied in a whisper, cringing at herself as soon as the words left her mouth. "Cass Mckinnon."

She smiled, "Hermione Granger." The two of them sunk back into silence for around an hour until Hermione glanced at her watch and gasped at the time. "We're late for breakfast!" She whisper shouted, Cass found it funny that even in this situation she hadn't broken the rule of quiet in the library. The two girls put their books away and headed for the Great Hall, Cass relying solely on Hermione for directions. She quickly noticed this and stopped outside the hall just before they were about to walk in, "If we have any classes together I can show you where they are if you would like?"

Cass sighed a sigh of relief, "Yeah, that would be great, thanks."

"I'll meet you here after breakfast," Hermione smiled before heading off to sit at the Gryffindor table. Astrid had sat in the same place as yesterday so Cass went to sit there too, after smiling at Draco. She ate breakfast, Cass just sipped some pumpkin juice as she was never able to eat this early in the morning. It was as if her stomach just hated the thought of food until around eleven in the morning, something which got on her nerves very quickly. Just as the food disappeared for that meal, a letter fluttered itself down onto the silver plate in front of her. She immediately tore it open, being careful not to break the wax seal too much (a habit she had picked up from her Father). It contained her timetable: Transfiguration, Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures on Mondays.

"I have CoMC too. I can show you where it is if you want?" Astrid, who had peered over the table to read the letter, offered with a slight smile. Cass thought the smile hid something but she decided not to dwell on that for now, it was taking enough energy to just get through her first day and it was only the morning.

"That would be great, thanks." Cassandra stood out from underneath the table and walked out of the room, catching up to Hermione just outside the exit. She stood with two boys, one tall with red hair and freckles, the other with untidy black hair and green eyes hidden behind his circular glasses. He was short, shorter than Hermione but Cass thought he was relatively cute, for someone her age anyway.

"This is Harry Potter," she introduced, gesturing to the boy with green eyes. "And this is Ron Weasley." She paused, looking at Ron for a little longer than Harry. "Let's see your timetable then."

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now