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───── ❝ The Burrow ❞ ─────

Summer at the cottage kept her busy. Between visiting the twins, packing up her house and all the events her Aunt had planned, she barely had a moment to relax - not that she would have changed it though. Boxing everything up was so emotional that she had to call in Draco for support, he stayed in the spare bedroom and was very glad to get away from his house for a while. She cried a lot as she watched her Dad's life get packed up into boxes. Of course, she kept all the things that meant something to her, or just little nick nacks that screamed Roger. And the rest were shipped off to people who needed it more than she did, that's what he would have wanted anyway.

One of her favourite finds was her Mothers wedding dress. It was beautiful and fit her like a glove (Draco insisted that she try it on). It had sheer long sleeves with spirals of lace, which covered the rest of the dress too. It came in tight at the waist then flowed out, creating the most perfect shape. Small white fabric buttons cinched it together at the back and flowed all the way down to the hip. The lace pattern on the edge of the fabric swung against the floor. She kept it of course.

The day that she was supposed to go to the burrow came quickly. Luckily she had been packed for a few days since she wasn't sure when the time to do so would come. That morning, she decided to sleep in hoping to catch up on some rest.

George appeared to pick her up at one in the afternoon, as they had planned, and Cass (of course) was running behind. They ended up leaving at around half one after she said goodbye to the entire family. Before she could even think, her feet landed in the burrow.

"I'll go put your stuff in Ginny's room," George said as he picked up her trunk.

"Thanks, George" she smiled and looked around the house they had landed in. It was the cosiest thing and resembled the Gryffindor common room. There were drawings and photos plastered all over the walls, so many blankets and pillows and the entire place smelt like freshly baked pie. Each thing in the room seemed to be a different colour but it all matched perfectly. After a second of looking around, Ron, Ginny and Harry came down the stairs.

"When did you get here?" Ginny asked, giving the girl a welcoming hug.

She smiled, "A second ago, your house is amazing."

"How was your summer?" Ron asked, giving Cass a one-armed hug.

"Busy, how about you?"

"Pretty good," Harry replied, glancing at Ginny. She turned deep red and looked away. Interesting....

"Fred's outside, Mum and Dad are out so don't worry," Ginny cleared her throat, trying desperately to change the subject.

"I'll catch up with you guys later," she smiled then walked out of the room, through the back door. It was a beautiful day, warm but still with a breeze and the air just smelled summery. It reminded her of getting Mr Wippys with her Dad after primary school. She saw Fred at the bottom of the garden and decided to sneak up on him. He was daydreaming and didn't notice her approach. From behind, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek. "How's it going, Love?" she smiled and sat down next to him, legs outstretched in front of her.

"When did you get here?" he smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"A few minutes ago," she paused. "This place is beautiful, I can't believe you grew up here."

"Glad you like it," he smiled and pressed a kiss to her hair.

She watched as a gnome ran across the garden. Fred seemed unphased. Is that normal? "When do your parents get back?" she asked, twirling Draco's ring on her finger.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now