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───── ❝ You're Bi? Dude. Seriously? ❞ ─────

The plan for George telling Fred about him and Lee arrived quicker than she thought it would. He had planned for them to just go to the pub like usual, a neutral setting that (with the alcohol) made him feel a little more comfortable. So when Fred tapped her on the shoulder as they ate breakfast at the separate tables, she already knew what it was about. "We're going for butterbeers later, you want to come too?" he asked, a hopeful look on his face. Cass's gaze drifted to George for just a split second. He looked so nervous and had hardly touched a thing on his plate.

"Sure," she smiled.

"Cool, meet us just before lunch." He winked then turned back around. After breakfast she headed towards her room, hoping to fit some homework in the spare time that she had before lunch. Cass had tried to keep a schedule - it still remained pinned up on her bedroom wall amount all the pictures- but procrastination was not a friend. She had so many essays to write one day that by the morning, her arm felt as if it would detach from her body at any moment. Of course, after that sleepless night, Fred introduced her to the self-writing quills. They became a staple in her routine and the essays just got easier to keep up with.

She was around three quarters done with a potions essay when there was a knock at the door. She sighed and rose from her seat, leaving the quill still writing the final thoughts. Before she could open the door, the quill slammed down to the desk, she jumped. Cass opened the door and was met with a very nervous looking Lee. "I- Can I talk to you?" he asked, looking down to the floor briefly.

She smiled and opened the door fully, "Yeah of course. Come on in." He walked in and, after a brief introduction to Nova, sat down on a bed. She sat down at the desk across from him and just waited for whatever he wanted to say. Though she could kind of guess what it was about.

"I'm not sure George wants to tell Fred," he almost muttered, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. George was adamant about telling Fred, he was sick of hiding it. That brought her confusion until it snapped in her head, he's using him as a cover for himself.

"Why not?" she asked, playing along as it would add to Lee's comfort.

"Something to do with Fred kicking him out of the room." At this point they both knew they weren't talking about George, no one mentioned it though.

"He wouldn't do that, he might be a little more precautious when walking into the room though," she chuckled and Lee smiled

The smile soon fell and he muttered, "What if he isn't okay with the whole thing though. Like the gay thing."

She sighed, "I think the fact that he was a Bisexual girlfriend pushes him into the acceptance box just a little."

Lee's head immediately picked up and he looked at her with widened eyes, "You're Bi?"

Cass genuinely looked concerned. Man, sucky Gaydar. "Dude. Seriously?"

Lee looked a little more comfortable. Maybe a little more convinced too. "What happened when you told him?"

"He bought me that flag," she laughed, pointing to a flag that he had perfectly hung above her bedroom door. She thought it was adorable. Lee just laughed, his mind almost eased. He just stayed in her room, talking as she finished off the few essays. The time soon changed and the two of them headed to the three broomsticks.

Upon arrival, they looked around for a second and found the twins sitting in their usual booth at the back of the room. "Hey," she smiled, sliding in the seat next to Fred. He smiled back and intertwined their fingers under the table without saying a word. She had quickly figured out that he was one of those people that just loved holding hands so she just let it happen, not that she could complain anyway.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now