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───── ❝ Coming Clean ❞ ─────

Cass joined the Gryffindor table for breakfast as the twins seemed to be gathering a lot of attention from the people around them, she was intrigued. She slipped quietly and sat next to Harry, he smiled and reached for her hand under the table as soon as she sat down. "What's going on here then?" she whispered to him.

"The twins are giving a very detailed description of how they got out of detention," he whispered back, a slight laugh falling from his mouth just as he took a sip from his goblet.

"Oh right," she sighed. Cass had hoped it would have been something more exciting, she was experiencing prank withdrawals (as Fred called them). Cass turned to both Fred and George and felt a small smile forming as she saw how utterly happy they were. Just sat there, smiling and laughing through the whole description of what mischief they got up to.

"So after we had walked into the forest with Hagrid," Fred began. "I had the brilliant idea to offer Hagrid a puking pastille," he grinned proudly.

"We always come equipped in case anyone wants to buy any," George added, glancing at the faces around him.

"Subtle plug guys," Cass interrupted, earning laughter from the majority of the onlookers.

"Anyway, Fred complained he was hungry, saying that he had 'missed dinner' which was total bollocks," George continued with a slight laugh. "Then I took the pastilles out and offered one to Hagrid and Fred."

Fred grinned, "And the whole thing ended up with Hagrid puking up in a bush in the forest."

Cass turned to Harry with a brow raised, "I thought it was going to be more exciting than that."

"Yeah, so did I," he agreed. Everyone continued eating breakfast and talking about various things until, like usual, the food disappeared. It was Saturday so everyone went off to do their own various activities.

"Did you want to come to our common room and hang out?" Harry asked, using his eyebrow to hint towards their earlier discussion about telling Hermione.

"Yeah course, I'll be there in a second," she smiled. Cass then walked off, having the distinct feeling that someone was watching her most of the way. Once she reached her bedroom, she grabbed the cloak off her desk chair and wrapped it around herself and Nova. She headed back out and walked to the Gryffindor commons, 'accidentally' bumping into Blair on the way there. She managed to sneak through the portrait after a few first years (who took a minute to actually remember the password) opened it up. She immediately spotted the trio at the back of the room. It seemed they were all working on some sort of essay so Cass gently sat down in the chair next to Hermione, careful not to make a sound.

"Is this right Hermione?" Harry asked, tilting his parchment so she could see it properly. Hermione leaned forward to look at the paper and just as her eyes began to scan the ink, Cass grabbed the parchment from Harry's hand. Hermione let out a yelp as the parchment 'magically' danced around in front of her face. Harry, who of course knew what was going on, was clutching his stomach in laughter as Hermione tried to rip the cloak from Cass's head.

"Who has the cloak, Harry?" Hermione demanded to know, her voice carrying around the very empty common room. They both ignored the inquiry and Cass walked around the chairs (carefully dodging Hermione's outstretched arm) so she could kiss Harry on the cheek. She then moved to Ron, ruffling his hair with her hand. His hands shot up in an attempt to smooth the mess and catch the cloaked figure in the process. She then sat back in the chair next to Hermione - who was looking around to try and figure out where the cloaked figure was. While her back was turned, she slipped off the clock and sat up in the chair - one knee crossed over the over. Eventually, Hermione turned and jumped out of her skin when she noticed the occupant of the once empty seat.

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