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───── ❝ Prank Gone Wrong In The Commons❞ ─────

A weird distorted dream. 

Cass walked through the castle at the dead of night, wandering around as if she was searching for gold. However, when she reached the door, she stopped. This door had a heavy brass knocker with ugly gold embellishments and it would not budge, no matter how hard she pushed it open. But there were screams. Screams so deafening that she could hear them ringing in her ears. Someone was trying to get that door open from the other side but they couldn't. Booming knocks followed and with everyone the screams just got louder.

Cass woke and sat bolt upright, nursing the beginnings of a headache with her fingertips. Then she realised the knocking hadn't just been in her dream, someone was knocking on her door. She climbed out of bed, not noticing that her blankets had wrapped around her feet and would prevent any further movement. Cass ended up falling on her face, causing a loud crash which caused the person on the other side of the door to knock even harder. She scrambled up and ran to the door, the banging made her headache worse but her fingertips lingered around the doorknob. She realised that she had slept in a very old pair of shorts (that were a few sizes too small) and an oversized t-shirt that didn't really do a good job of hiding them. Instead of doing the rational thing - getting a jumper to cover herself- she resorted to awkwardly hiding behind the door as she opened it. "You okay Cass?" Draco asked, looking at her head and single shoulder weirdly.

"I fell over getting the door, no bruises... I think," she yawned, rubbing her eyes as they still felt heavy with sleep.

He laughed, "Can I ask why you're standing like that?"

"Pyjamas that are too small," she shrugged, feeling a hint of embarrassment colouring her cheeks.

"Something for Harry's eyes only?" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. It's too early for this. So, she groaned then closed the door. Draco just laughed. "Love you Cass!" he shouted through the door.

"Hate you Bleachy!" she laughed, snapping the response back almost involuntarily.


Cass had missed breakfast by a long shot, a good few hours. So she walked down to the black lake and they all sat right where they were yesterday. Cass slipped in discreetly and sat down next to Harry, whose concerned and frantic gaze softened when it met hers. "Cass, finally. Harry was worried about you," Hermione laughed, interrupting the interesting conversation the others were engaged in.

"I wasn't!" he snapped back awfully quickly, suspiciously quickly. "I just assumed you slept in."

"I did sleep in, I would probably still be asleep if Draco wasn't an ass," she laughed. "Anyway I think it's cute you were worried about me," she smiled at him then quickly pecked his cheek. Cass wasn't one for PDA, especially for new relationships. Harry instantly reached for her hand and when they turned back to everyone else, two faces of astonishment stared back at them. Well a face of astonishment and one of pure heartbreak, that was disguised.

"You two?" George asked, his voice suddenly quiet. "Since when?"

Cass looked at Harry, "Did you not tell them?"

"I just assumed they would already know," he laughed nervously. Harry was the only one who noticed Fred's immediate reaction and his stomach would not settle. Everyone returned to their previous conversation after the shock wore off. Considering what lay in the black lake, it was a very relaxing piece of scenery.

The group stayed out there until it was time for lunch. They all walked inside but Cass was stopped by two twins, both of which carried mischievous grins. "So Cass...."

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