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───── ❝ The Party ❞ ─────

Cass once again lounged around in the back of Transfiguration. The lesson turned out to be another that she had previously mastered, fairy cake into a fairy. One had flown across the room and landed in Draco's face. One remained a cake, just with tiny heels sticking out the top and the other had been the attempt that worked. Her gaze fell on Harry, he stared into space as he played with his quill. His hair lay around his glasses like it usually did and Cass couldn't deny it any longer, she had developed a crush on him. Suddenly a bang crashed through the classroom, directing everyone's attention to a red-haired Slytherin girl who had managed to turn her hand into a fairy cake. Laughter erupted through the classroom as McGonagall escorted her out, instructing everyone to carry on just as they both left the room. Of course, no one actually listened to the instruction, instead choosing to chat amongst themselves. Cass, since she wasn't interested in talking to anyone from her own house, decided that she would walk over to Harry. It seemed he needed the help anyway. She carefully sat down in the chair next to him, making him look up once he noticed her presence. "Oh hey Cass," he cleared his throat, smiling at her.

"Do you want some help there?" she asked, pointing to the very sad looking fairy cake on his desk.

"Oh yeah, that would be great thanks," he smiled, watching as she took out her wand and muttered the spell which successfully turned the cake into a fairy within seconds. She leant back in the chair, putting her wand back into her robes.

"Up to anything good today?" she asked, just trying to start a conversation between them both.

"There's a match against Hufflepuff later," he replied rather excitedly. "Are you going to come and watch?"

"Do you want me to?" She asked, not sure whether putting the ten tonnes of homework she had to do back would be the smartest of ideas.

He cleared his throat, closing his book gently. "Yeah, I would," he smiled, a light pink dusting his cheeks.

"Alright, I'll be there," she smiled, watching how Harry's eyes lit up behind his glasses.


Cass's first quidditch game at Hogwarts went better than the majority of the ones she had spectated back home. She stood in the stands with Astrid, not the ideal situation but when Gryffindor got the lead on Hufflepuff that didn't seem to matter anymore. Cass found her gaze to be transfixed on two particular Gryffindor jerseys through the whole match, a gaze which only broke once Lee Jordan announced that Harry had caught the snitch. She exited the stands and headed straight towards the group of people that she called friends. "Congrats on the win," she smiled towards the three on the team.

"Thanks, Cass," George smiled back, interrupting whatever comment his brother was about to make. The entire group then went back to discussing the match, Fred talking in great detail about a particularly pesky bludger and Harry enthusing about the moment that he had nearly flown into the fence, only to catch the snitch and fly up at the very last moment.

Deep into a monologue from Ron, a Gryffindor boy with his tie tied around his head came forward and tapped Ron on the arm. "Are you guys coming back for the party or what?" He laughed, looking at everyone in the circle expectantly apart from her. Everyone's head turned to the Slytherin, looks of pity or expectancy flashed across their faces. She felt pressured to leave.

"Go," she smiled, watching as that boy walked away. "Have fun and I'll see you later." She then spun on her heels and began to away from them, she got about ten paces before someone tapped on her shoulder.

Cards, Fire & Cinnamon - F.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now