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───── ❝ Christmas Day❞ ─────

The sun was absent when she woke up on Christmas morning. Through the dark window, she could just about see tiny flutters of flakes, tumbling down from the sky. Harry still peacefully slept in the bed next to hers and she found the whole situation strangely relaxing. Instead of waking him, she took a single dusty book that had been left on Ron's nightstand. It was an Astronomy book, a subject which she had never gotten into. Cass had just begun her third reread of the same chapter on Jupiter's moons when Harry began to stir. He slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them with the back of his hand as he looked in her direction.

"Morning," his voice was deep and husky, it sent a tightening feeling through her stomach. "Merry Christmas Cass."

"Merry Christmas Harry," she replied with a smile. Cass quickly closed the book on her lap and got out from underneath the covers. She walked over to the tree and picked up their collection of eleven parcels, six for her and five for Harry. He lifted the corner of his cover up and she slipped underneath them, placing the gifts in a pile at the foot of the bed.

"This one's from me," he smiled, handing her a parcel wrapped in brown paper and a bow. She took it and carefully opened the gift. Inside was a record that she had told him that she wanted on their first date.

"I love it, thank you," she smiled, dropping the record into her lap before she hugged him.

"You're welcome," he laughed, hugging her back. They continued opening gifts together. Fred and George gave her a photo frame containing a photo of them the day of the snowball fight, they were all laughing and covered in snow. Ron gave her a packet of Bertie Botts, Draco a beautiful bracelet which she put on straight away and her Father sent a small care package with a bunch of homemade foods. Harry opened his last gift, which included a hand-knitted jumper with the letter H on it. "Come on try it on,"  she laughed, holding the jumper against him. "Mrs Weasley would be disappointed if you didn't wear it," she raised a brow, hoping he would get the idea.

"You wouldn't."

She chuckled to herself, "Oh but I would." She reached for a spare piece of parchment laying on his nightstand.

"Oh fine!" He huffed before pulling the jumper over his head. Harry managed to get his head stuck in the arm of the jumper and it took him a good five minutes to sort himself out. Cass at this point was wheezing, holding her side in laughter. "So what's the verdict?"

"I mean," she paused, looking him up and down. "It's a lovely colour?" she joked.

"Okay, I'm definitely taking it off now."

"No don't, I was kidding," she said as she reached forward, pulling it back over his head."I'm going to go and get changed, meet you downstairs for breakfast?"

"Sounds good," he replied. She got out from under the covers and walked across the room, Harry had already begun to take it back off. She stopped at the door, looking back at him with one hand still on the doorframe. "Harry don't you dare take off that jumper, you have to wear it for the whole day," she laughed, watching as Nova woke up.

"The whole day? Cass please!" He replied, pulling it back down over his head with a huff.

"You have to appreciate your gifts, Harry," she laughed before walking out of the room.

After breakfast, where Harry ate a full English and Cass had a glass of orange juice, they decided to walk around the grounds. They arrived at the black lake, which had been freshly frozen over and a few students were already skating on it. "We should go ice skating," Cass smiled excitedly, walking a little quicker as she got closer to it.

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