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───── ❝ I finally made it❞ ─────

15 years later

Uncharacteristically, Cass woke early on the morning of September first. She glanced over to her sleeping Husband - still felt weird to say that- and smiled at the sight of him sleeping with his arms protectively wrapped around their daughter. The last of their children to leave for Hogwarts. Marls had snuck into their bed last night, wanting to hear stories of her parents time at school and she had just fallen asleep in Fred's arms. Cass gently kissed them both on the forehead then climbed out of bed, making her way downstairs.

She made a cup of coffee and headed out to the garden. She sat in her usual chair and just watched as the sun rose, painting the entire house. She just sat with her own thoughts, reliving a few memories that came with the tree in the garden. She had told him she was pregnant with the twins up there - after he insisted that they both get down because it was 'dangerous to be at such a height.' After she had finished her coffee, she headed inside and got to cooking. Their family had the tradition of a huge breakfast on the first day back at school so she got to work, making everyone their favourites. About halfway through the cooking, Fred and Marls came down the stairs, having woken up to the smell of bacon and pancakes. "Morning love," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist. He hugged her from behind and swayed a little, making her laugh.

"Morning darling," she joked then turned around to kiss him.

Marls grumbled from the table, "Do you have to do that?"

"Ah, young daughter of mine. Have I taught you nothing about the art of distraction," he grinned then quickly grabbed the punnet of strawberries Cass was snacking on from the counter.

"Hey!" she exclaimed, watching as he ran over to the table with them.

"Yes! Mum hogs the strawberries," she laughed then took a bite of one. As Cass walked over to the two of them, Marls plucked at least four more strawberries from the punnet and held them in her hands.

Cass stole the punnet back, frowning at how little strawberries were left. " Make yourself usuelf and wake up your sons will you," she laughed.

"Of course dear," he laughed then headed up to their bedrooms. Cass handed Marls her pancakes (covered in strawberries and chocolate syrup) and smiled as she dug into them.

A very grumpy looking Lucas sat down at the table next.  "Dad used the fireworks again," he complained and took a sip of his drink.

"You weren't supposed to tell Mum!" George laughed, looking at his mother apprehensively. Yes, George. Fred had been stupid enough to lose a bet about the gender of the twins, thus George the second came into light.

Fred shrugged and sat down in his seat, "It's a good way to wake you two up, I don't see why you're complaining."

Cass just sighed and sat down in her seat, taking a sip of yet another cup of coffee. The entire family talked and laughed as they ate breakfast, especially when George tried to steal one of the strawberries on Marls's plate and she had a huge go at him. "You nervous Marls?" Lucas asked after they had eaten about half of their breakfast.

She looked down to her plate and shrugged, "A little."

"You don't need to worry, we'll look out for you," George replied, nudging his brother on the shoulder. They both nodded in agreement. Fred and Cass just looked at each other, eyebrows raised and eyes wide as they watched their children react out of the corner of their eyes. This is weird.

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