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───── ❝ Meeting the famous twins ❞ ─────

"Do you think it's good enough?" Harry whispered, leaning over her shoulder as Cass read his Transfiguration homework. They had settled into the library late one evening in her first week.

"It's fine, you just have these two things confused," she replied, gesturing to two specific points on the parchment. Harry groaned in annoyance, flopping down in the chair next to her.

"Could you fix it for me? Please?" He asked, looking at her with a pleading expression. Cass wanted to laugh but she found herself unable to, given their current situation and the fair few warnings that Madam Pince had already given them.

She sighed, "Pass me your quill."

"Yes!" He exclaimed a little too loudly for a library. The sudden outburst caught the attention of one Hermione Granger, who had previously been studying a few seats away from them. She, with a huff, dropped her quill and marched over to the three of them.

"Uh oh..." Ron whispered, watching Hermione nervously.

"Busted," Cass whispered back, watching as Hermione seemed to grow angrier with every step that she took.

"Are you doing his homework for him?" She whisper-shouted, folding her arms across her chest. Cass put the pen down on the table and looked back up at her, her eyes narrowed.

"I'm just fixing something, is that a problem?" She asked, faking extreme amounts of annoyance.

Hermione stuttered, feeling rather uncomfortable under the Slytherins narrow gaze. "No, he just won't-" she trailed off, watching as Cass made small changes to the parchment. A few seconds of Hermione's panicked gaze passed and she burst out into laughter, unable to hold it in anymore. Ron joined too, finding the look on Hermione's face rather hilarious. Madam Pince however found the disturbance anything but, she stalked over and shushed the both of them profusely. "Come on Hermione, that was funny," she defended after noticing that she still carried an expression of annoyance.

"I thought you were serious!"

"Would I ever be that mean?" Cass asked, looking up from Harry's work momentarily.

"Well you are Slytherin," Hermione joked, picking up one of Ron's books.

"She's very tame for a Slytherin," Harry added, watching as her eyes looked over the words on his parchment.

"Just you wait," she replied softly, looking him straight in the eye as she leant in closer to his face. "I'm full of surprises." Harry, who had turned beetroot red in the face, turned to the wall as he cleared his throat. Cass chuckled to herself softly, then went back to editing.

"Honestly, you're so much like Fred and George," Ron sighed, putting his feet up onto the coffee table in the middle of their comfy chairs.

Cass looked up, confusion furrowing her eyebrows. "That's your brother in the year above us, right?"

"Yeah, right menaces I tell ya," Ron replied just as she finished the final part of Harry's work.

"Menaces huh? Interesting," she paused, pulling the parchment off the book she had leant on to write. "There, fixed," she continued as she handed the work back, a soft smile on her face.

"Thanks Cass, what would I do without you," he laughed, skimming his work before folding it into a textbook.

"Probably fail," she muttered and Ron laughed, knowing it was probably true. Harry wasn't very adept at Transfiguration, this year he just seemed unable to focus in that lesson. "Right, I'm off to bed. Later losers," she sighed as she stood up. A chorus of goodbyes and goodnights followed as she walked away, Nova curled up in a special pocket of her robes. Cass collapsed soon after climbing into bed, Astrid had fallen asleep at her desk but she didn't bother to wake her up. That girl had a way with words, words that would have Cass worrying about her appearance more often than not. A crick in the neck from an uncomfortable pillow served her right.

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