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───── ❝High on Love Potion ❞ ─────

Cass found herself in the twins and Lee's bedroom on a cold Saturday morning. They worked on a potion and she sat on George's bed, reading a book that Fred had recommended. It was quite interesting and she found herself drawn into the storyline. The only times she came back into reality were the times where either the potion made a loud noise or one of them did. "No! Fred, come on! Now we have to start all over again," George sighed, using a spell to get rid of the bubbling purple liquid that now took over their cauldron.

"What are you guys making anyways?" she asked, finally looking up from the book. The chatter had made her lose her page anyway.

"Love potions. There's a boom of sales this close to Valentines," he replied, adding something into the mix.

"I don't see how you guys make money off this," she laughed to herself. "If people are that desperate, can't they just make it themselves?"

George shrugged, "Yeah but ours is different."

"Less dangerous," Fred grinned. She knew from the lessons that this potion, if misused, could lead to some very terrible situations so she decided not to question it. Instead, Cass gazed over the book they were working from. It was a normal potions book, that had handwriting scrawled all over its pages. She could just about make out the failed tested versions.

"Who did you test these on?" she wondered aloud, not really meaning to ask. Though she was rather intrigued.

The three of them were silent for a moment, counting in their minds and in Fred's case on his fingers. "Filch, Peeves and a few others."

"Filch?" she grinned, imagining him under a love potion. Hilarious was a huge understatement.

Cass got distracted by her book once again and they had pretty much finished the potion when her attention was grabbed again. "So Fred," George wiggled his brows. "Are you going to ask Cass out for Valentines?" Shit, did I forget about that too? Are we doing gifts? Do I have the time to get a gift? Do I even know what to get?

He looked up at her and smiled, oblivious to the goings-on of her mind. "I've got things planned."

She blinked in surprise, "You do?" To this he nodded, pulling a mischievous grin. Double screwed, great. "What about you George?" she teased. "Taking anyone special out?" she smirked, glancing to Lee. Both of them flushed and turned away, clearing their throats to defer the awkward tension that had flooded through the room. Something had clearly happened, what it was though was unknown. Cass hadn't the time to focus on that before she was overcome with a chill from the open window. It was one of those cold breezes that went straight through you, making everything seem so much colder. The goosebumps on her arms and thighs started to ache. "Can I shut that window? It's freezing," she shivered, pulling the sleeves of her jumper down so they covered her hands.

"You can, if you want us all to suffocate on fumes when Fred here gets the potion wrong," George joked, nudging his brother in the ribs.

"Okay then, I'll just turn into an ice cube. No biggie," she laughed, pulling the hood of her jumper up in an attempt to keep as much heat in as possible. Fred wordlessly got up from the floor and walked over to his bed. She didn't think anything of it and went back to reading, only stopping when his duvet fell and draped over her shoulders. Fred tucked it all around her, making sure she would be warm then kissed her quickly on the forehead. He went to sit back down and carried on with the potion, again without saying a word. Both Lee and George looked at him for a second, completely stunned, then went back to their potion. Cass however couldn't focus on the pages anymore. She couldn't help but let a stupid goofy grin spread across her face. His actions had sent a flutter through her stomach, one that this time pulled on her heartstrings.

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